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     1。Matriculation Fee Waiver   This system waives, upon application and selection, the matriculation fee mainly for graduate students who have difficulty paying the matriculation fee due to economic reasons and are acknowledged as having an excellent academic record, or for undergraduate students who are acknowledged as having special circumstances。
       专业选修费减免   这项制度在申请和筛选的过程中实施,主要适用于有经济困难,支付不起专业选修费的成绩优秀的研究生,也适用于被认定为情况特殊的本科生。   2。Enrollment Fee Exemption Program   (a)Incoming post-graduate students who are recognized by the university as exhibiting outstanding academic performance, but cannot afford to pay the enrollment fee because of their economic circumstances, and (b)incoming undergraduate students under extenuating circumstances may apply for full or half exemption of the enrollment fee。
       注册费减免项目   该项目适用于被九州大学认定为学术表现突出,但由于经济条件差、支付不起注册费的引入的研究生。根据具体情况,引入的本科生可以申请注册费全减免或半减免。
     3。Tuition Fee Exemption Program   Graduate students who are recognized by the university as exhibiting outstanding academic performance, but cannot afford to pay the tuition fee because of their economic circumstances may apply for half, full and quarter exemption of the tuition fee。
       学费减免项目   被九州大学认定为学术表现突出,但经济条件差。支付不起学费的研究生,可以申请学费减免一半、全部或者四分之一学费。   4。Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship Students   日本政府奖学金   Who are Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship students?   What is the Monbukagakusho Scholarship program?   The Monbukagakusho Scholarship program was established to promote an acceptance of international students from all over the world。
       日本政府奖学金学生有哪些?   什么是日本政府奖学金?   日本政府奖学金建立的目的是促进国际招生,让世界各地的学生走进日本。   You can be considered for a Monbukagakusho Scholarship in any of three ways:   (1) by embassy recommendation, (2) by Kyushu University recommendation(overseas applications), and (3) through Kyushu University nomination(domestic applications by those enrolled at Kyushu Univ。
    )   Chinese students have different procedures。   可以通过以下三种途径申请日本政府奖学金:   使馆推荐;九州大学推荐(海外申请);九州大学提名(注册九州大学的日本学生)。
     中国学生有不同的申请流程。   For Overseas Students   (1) by Embassy Recommendation   Japanese embassies/consulates call for applications and MEXT decides on the scholarship students; i) Research students (Graduate level only)   ii) Undergraduate students   iii) Applicants for Japanese studies (undergraduate level only)   (1)使馆推荐   日本使馆或领事馆发出申请,由文部科学省决定获得奖学金的学生。
     i)研究型学生(只针对研究生阶段),ii) 本科生,iii)申请日语学习的学生(只针对本科阶段)   i) Research students (graduate level only)   Japanese embassies/consulates call for applications in March-April and conduct the first screening (document screening, written test, and interview) in May-June。
     After the first screening, MEXT conducts the second screening, has a consultation with Kyushu University, and finally decides on the scholarship students。
     The applicants who succeed in the first screening are required to acquire “Letter of Acceptance” from the university in June-August。
     In advance, the applicants need to contact Kyushu University’s professor(s) to obtain his/her consent to be a supervisor (Arrival in Japan: April or October)。
       i)研究型学生(只针对研究生阶段)   日本使馆或领事馆在三、四月份发出申请,在五、六月份实施初次筛选(文件筛选、写作考试、面试)。初次筛选之后,由文部科学省实施第二次筛选,与九州大学协商,最终确定获得奖学金的学生。
  通过初次筛选的申请人需要在六到八月期间拿到大学的录取通知书。  申请人需要提前联系九州大学教授,征得教授同意,让教授做学生的指导。(到达日本时间:四月或十月。)   ii) Undergraduate students   Those who are interested in applying for Monbukagakusho Scholarship as undergraduate students are required to apply for “Monbukagakusho Scholarship International Students (Undergraduate International Students)”。
     The successful applicants are required to take a Japanese language course for one year at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies or Osaka University and then placed to the undergraduate school of the university they wish to be enrolled at。
     For more information, please contact the Japanese embassy/consulate in your country。
     ii) 本科生   有意以本科生身份申请日本政府奖学金的学生需要申请“日本政府国际学生(国际本科生)奖学金”。  申请成功的学生需要参加东京外国语大学或大阪大学一年的日语课程学习,然后才能他们想注册的大学的本科学院。
  详情请咨询日本驻华使馆或领事馆。   iii) Applicants for Japanese studies (undergraduate level only)   Those who are recommended by the Japanese embassy/consulate and approved by MEXT are enrolled at JLCC programin Kyushu University International Student Center。
       iii)申请日语学习的学生(只针对本科阶段)   被日本使馆或领事馆推荐并且得到文部科学省同意的学生在九州大学国际学生中心的JLCC项目注册。   (2) by Kyushu University Recommendation   Kyushu University recommends the candidates to MEXT and then MEXT decides on the scholarship students;   i) Research students (Graduate level only: regular degree or designated programs)   ii) Appricants for Japanese Language and Culture Course (Undergraduate level only)   iii) Applicants for YLP (Young Leaders Program)   (2) 九州大学推荐   九州大学负责向文部科学省推荐候选人,然后由文部科学省决定获得奖学金的学生。
       i)研究型学生(只针对研究生阶段:正规学位或指定项目)   ii)申请日语语言与文化课程的学生(只针对本科阶段)   iii)申请青年领导人项目的学生   i) Research students (Graduate level only: regular degree or designated programs)   The exchange students from Kyushu University’s partner institutions are recommended by Kyushu University to MEXT as the scholarship candidates。
     MEXT will screen the candidates and decide on the scholarship students。 The Applications are open in December and the successful applicants are enrolled in October。
     In advance, the applicants need to contact Kyushu University’s professor(s) to obtain his/her consent to be a supervisor。
     i)研究型学生(只针对研究生阶段:正规学位或指定项目)   与九州大学有合作关系的大学的交换生由九州大学向文部科学省推荐,作为获得奖学金的学生。  文部科学省随后对候选人进行筛选,确定获得奖学金的学生。
  申请在12月开放,申请成功的学生在10月注册。申请需要提前联系九州大学教授,征得教授给学生做指导的同意。   ii) Appricants for Japanese Language and Culture Course (Undergraduate level only)   Those who are recommended by Kyushu University International Student Center and approved by MEXT are enrolled atJLCC program in the International Student Center。
       ii)申请日语语言与文化课程的学生(只针对本科阶段)   经九州大学国际学生中心推荐,并且得到文部科学省批准的学生,在国际学生中心的JLCC项目注册。   iii) Applicants for YLP (Young Leaders Program)   The Japanese embassy/consulate calls for applications from the designated institutions。
     Kyushu University has the first screening (Dec-March) and MEXT has the second screening (March)。
     Arrival in Japan: Sep-Oct。   The medium of instruction: English   A one-year Master’s level Law program run by Graduate School of Law   iii)申请青年领导人项目的学生   日本使馆或领事馆从指定机构发出申请。
    初次筛选由九州大学实施(12月到3月),二次筛选由文部科学省实施(3月)。   达到日本时间:九月至十月   教学语言:英语   一年制法律硕士项目,由研究生院法学院经管。
     For Students already enrolled in Kyushu University   (3) through Kyushu University nomination   ( privately-financed students enrolled now at Kyushu Uniersity )   Applicants are either; i) Graduate students or ii) Undergraduate students (final year) who are enrolled now at Kyushu University。
     The candidates are recommended by Kyushu University to MEXT, which in turn decides on the scholarship students。
     已经在九州大学注册的学生   (3) 九州大学提名   (适合目前在九州大学注册的由私人提供资金的学生)   申请人要么是研究生,要么是目前在九州大学注册的本科最后一年的学生。  候选人由九州大学向文部科学省推荐,后者决定获得奖学金的学生。
     5。Kyushu University Friendship Scholarship   九州大学友谊奖学金   ●Purpose   Under Kyushu University Friendship Scholarships Scheme (hereafter Friendship Scholarship), Kyushu University invites students from abroad who attend prestigious universities in their home country and who will play an important role in their nation’s future。
       By offering them a chance to study abroad at Kyushu University, the scheme aims to foster the nation’s future leaders, maintain good relations with Kyushu University, and play the role of point of contact to cultivate joint research and bring in external capital depending on their course or career after graduation。
       目的   根据九州大学友谊奖学金计划(以下简称友谊奖学金),九州大学邀请在自己国家著名学府读书的,并且将在自己国家的未来中扮演重要角色的国际学生。   通过为这些学生提供在九州大学学习的机会,该计划旨在培养日本未来的领导人,维持与九州大学的良好关系,并且在合作研究联络中扮演重要角色,根据学生的课程或毕业后的职业引入外部资金。
       ●Eligibility & Number of Students   1) Eligibility:   Undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in a non-Japanese university that is recognized as a leading university in that country and has been producing graduates playing an active part as leaders within every sector of society。
       Term of Study: 3 to 12 months   ※In case of students enrolling in Double Degree Program, the terms of their study can be over 12 months, but the terms of receiving scholarship will be under 12 months。
       ※Both your period of enrollment at Kyushu University and the length of stay in Japan must be for more than 16 days of the month concerned in order to receive a monthly stipend。
       2) Number of Students:   Up to 5 people。   资格条件、学生人数   1)资格条件   适合就读于本国一流学府的本科生或研究生申请,就读的大学必须是已经培养出在社会各部门中扮演积极角色的毕业生的大学。
     学习期限:3到12个月   ※对于注册双学位的学生,学习期限可以超过12个月,但是发放奖学金的期限不能超过12个月。     ※包括学生在九州大学的注册时间和学生在日本居留的时间,时长必须超过16天,才能拿到月度奖学金。
     2) 学生人数   不超过5人。   ●Classification of Grants   Grants are as follows in principle。     1) Travel expenses   Travel expenses up to 100,000 yen, will be covered (actual costs)。
   However, this depends on the budget of Kyushu University。   The details are as follows:   a) Round-trip economy air ticket via the most direct route between Fukuoka and the location of the recipient’s university。
     Air tickets and transportation fees in the recipient’s home country will not apply unless receipts and other proof of purchase are made。
       b) Incidental Expenses Only expenses incurred through visas, travel taxes, and airport taxes will be borne by Kyushu University。
     In the event that receipts and proof of payment are not submitted, these expenses will not be covered。
     2) Amount of Scholarships   80,000 yen per month for undergraduate students   100,000 yen per month for graduate students   助学金分类   原则上,助学金分为以下。
       1)旅费   旅费最多可覆盖 100,000 日元(实际成本)。不过,这取决于九州大学预算,具体如下:   a) 全程经济型机票。航线为福冈和奖学金获得者所在大学之间的最常见的直达航线。
  不包括学生本国的机票和交通费,除非提供收据和其他购买凭证。   b)交通事故费。  九州大学只提供签证费、旅游税费和机场税费。如果不能出示收据和购买凭证,这些费用就不能报销。
     2)奖学金额   本科生每月80,000日元   研究生每月100,000日元   Visa   Recipients of the Friendship Scholarship should obtain a “College Student” visa before entering Japan。
       签证   享受友谊奖学金的学生在入境日本之前需要拿到“大学生”签证。   Tuition and Other Fees   In principle, examination and matriculation fees and tuition will be waived according to the provision in an agreement or memorandum of student exchange signed between the recipient’s home university and Kyushu University。
     *This is only possible provided you are registered correctly as an exchange student at your home University prior to submitting the application for this scholarship。
     If the recipient’s home university does not have such an agreement or memorandum, Kyushu University will ask the recipient to pay the tuition and other fees during his / her term of study at Kyushu University。
       学费和其他费用   根据学生所在大学和九州大学签订的交换生契约书(协议)中的条款,原则上可以减免考试费和专业选修费。(这需要你在提交奖学金申请之前,在所在大学正确地注册为交换生。
  )如果获得奖学金的学生所在的大学没有这样的协议或契约书,九州大学就会要求学生在九州大学学习期间自付学费和其他费用。     ●Application Period   Terms of scholarship: from April 2017 to September 2017   Application Period: January 30th, 2017   申请时间   奖学金期限:从2017年4月到2017年9月   申请时间:2017年1月30日   ●Required Documents   所需文件   For Applicants *Language: English/ Submit to Supervisor or Student Section in Kyushu University   Friendship Scholarship Application Form   Essay: What I expect from Kyushu University in light of my future career plans, theme and practical plan for a research at Kyushu University (FORM1)   A reference letter written by the applicant’s academic advisor to endorse the applicant’s suitability (No Fixed Form)   An official academic transcript (in English)   English language proficiency certificate, e。
    g。 TOEFL score (optional / only if applicant already has one)   对于申请人,需要向指导老师或九州大学的学生处提交以下材料(材料语言为英语):   1。
  友谊奖学金申请表   2。essay:根据未来职业规划,我希望从九州大学中学到的,准备在九州大学的研究课题和实践计划   3。  推荐信。由申请人的专业指导老师提供,用于证实申请人的适合度(没有固定形式)   4。
  一份官方英文成绩单   5。英语能力测试证书,比如托福成绩(选择性的,申请人有才要提供)   For Academic Supervisors (in Kyushu U) *Language: English or Japanese / Submit to Student Section   A reference letter and a plan for instruction (No Fixed form)   A letter and material to prove that the student is suitable for the purpose of Friendship Scholarship。
     (No fixed form)   对于九州大学专业指导老师,需要向学生处提交以下材料(材料语言为英语或日语):   1。一封推荐信和指导计划(没有固定形式)   2。
  信和材料。用以证明学生符合友谊奖学金的目的(没有固定形式)   For Student Section in Kyushu U *Language: Japanese / Submit to International Student Division   List of Applicants   *Submit required documents from applicants and supervisors, as well。
       对于九州大学学生处,需要向国际学生部门提交以下材料(材料语言为日语):   1。申请人清单   *同时提交申请人和指导老师提供的所需文件。   ●Requirement of Recipients   Besides study and research, recipients of the Friendship Scholarship are required to:   actively cooperate in international exchange and community service activities as scholars。
       offer an oral presentation about his/her research before returning home。   submit a report before returning home。
   The report should be made on the basis of the essay which they submitted for application, entitled “What I expect from my experience at Kyushu University in light of my future career plans”, written on A4 size paper (1000 words)   maintain contact with Kyushu University, cooperating with alumni activities or similar activities after returning home   对奖学金获得者的要求   除了学习和从事研究,获得友谊奖学金的学生还需要:   1。
    以奖学金获得者的身份积极参与国际交换和社区服务。   2。回国之前提供相关研究的口头表述   3。回国之前提交报告。报告应当基于之前用于提交申请的essay,标题为What I expect from my experience at Kyushu University in light of my future career plans(根据我的未来职业规划,我所希望从九州大学获得的)。
    用A4纸写,1000个单词左右。   4。回国之后,与九州大学保持联系,参与校友活动或类似活动。   ●Application Process   Determine an academic supervisor from who you wish to have instruction during your study term at Kyushu University   Contact the potential academic supervisor by e-mail or other ways, and obtain his/her unofficial consent。
       Prepare application documents for applicants mentioned above, and send them to the academic supervisor by post。
     The academic supervisor prepares” application documents for academic supervisor”, He/she will submit them along with “application documents for applicants” to International Student Exchange Division through the student section of the department concerned by the deadline   Applications for the Friendship Scholarship will be examined by the Kyushu University International Exchange Executive Committee and the final decision of the selection will be made by the President of Kyushu University。
       The International Student Exchange Division will notify the student section of the department concerned and the prospective academic supervisor of the result in writing。
       The prospective academic supervisor or the student section will notify the applicant of the result of the application。





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