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  下面是一篇关于篮球比赛的新闻,由于不具备相关知识,我觉得读起来很吃力,希望各位高手能帮忙翻译一下。谢谢。San Antonio Spurs' Manu Ginobili, left, Tony Parker (9) and Bruce Bowen, right, celebrate with the NBA Championship trophy, Thursday The San Antonio Spurs won the National Basketball Association championship with a Game Seven victory over the defending champion Detroit Pistons, 81-74, Thursday night in San Antonio。
   It was the first time in 11 years the best-of-seven NBA finals had to be decided in a seventh game。 With everything on the line, it was a close, low scoring contest that featured blistering defense by both teams。
   Feeding off the energy of their home fans, who shouted "defense, defense!" throughout the game, San Antonio surged ahead in the fourth quarter to win, 81-74, and take the best of seven series, four games to three。
   It was the Spurs third NBA title in the last seven years。 Tim Duncan led the Spurs with 25 points and 11 rebounds and won his third Most Valuable Player award。
   His coach Greg Popovich says Duncan can do so much when he's on the basketball court。 NBA Finals MVP, Tim Duncan, holds the MVP trophy after the San Antonio Spurs defeated the Detroit Pistons "Tim is the factor。
   He's the reason things go,” said coach Popovich。 “If he scores, that's great。 If he doesn't, he's spacing the floor [making the defense spread out], getting the ball to other people who do score。
   He's always rebounding and playing defense。 So his complete game is so sound, so fundamental, so unnoticed at times because if he doesn't score people think, 'Well, he didn't do anything。
  ' But he was incredible, and he was the force that got it done for us。" Tim Duncan joins Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and Shaquille O'Neal among the only players to win the Most Valuable Player trophy three times in championship series play。
   Jordan won the MVP award six times with the Chicago Bulls。 。



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  )Itwasthefirsttimein11yearsthebest-of-sevenNBAfinalshadtobedecidedinaseventhgame。  Witheverythingontheline,itwasaclose,lowscoringcontestthatfeaturedblisteringdefensebybothteams。
  这是11年来7局4胜的NBA总决赛第一次需要在第7场比赛中才决出胜负。在比赛中,一切因素都一直悬而未决;这是一场势均力敌的比赛。  双方的得分都不高,但这正显示了两队快速回防的技术。
  (注:best-of- 局4胜制)Feedingofftheenergyoftheirhomefans,whoshouted"defense,defense!"throughoutthegame,SanAntoniosurgedaheadinthefourthquartertowin,81-74,andtakethebestofsevenseries,fourgamestothree。
  这样他们在总决赛中以4-3的成绩赢得了总冠军,这也是该队在过去7年中赢得的第三个总冠军。  (注: 比赛中的一节。一场比赛共4节。)TimDuncanledtheSpurswith25pointsand11reboundsandwonhisthirdMostValuablePlayeraward。
  HiscoachGregPopovichsaysDuncancandosomuchwhenhe'sonthebasketballcourt。  马刺队的头号得分手TimDuncan一共得了25分和11个篮板,并赢得了他职业生涯中的第三个最有价值球员称号。
  他的教练GregPopovich称赞说,Duncan只要上场,就能有这么出色的发挥。(注:因为Duncan是个老球员,体力不允许他上场时间太长,所以教练有此一说。  point:得分。
  ”Popovich教练说道。“如果他得分,那当然太好了。如果他不能得分,他也会在球场上进行间隔组织(把对手的防线拖长),然后把球传给有得分机会的队友。  他总是会去抢篮板,积极回防。
  Jordan效力于芝加哥公牛队时曾6次获得MVP称号。  。


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    San Antonio Spurs' Manu Ginobili, left, Tony Parker (9) and Bruce Bowen, right, celebrate with the NBA Championship trophy, Thursday The San Antonio Spurs won the National Basketball Association championship with a Game Seven victory over the defending champion Detroit Pistons, 81-74, Thursday night in San Antonio。
     圣安东尼奥刺激的 Manu Ginobili,的 离开, 托尼的Parker(9) 并且布鲁斯•鲍恩, 恰好, 与NBA冠军奖品庆祝, 星期四 与一场比赛圣安东尼奥刺激赢得了国家的篮球协会冠军保卫的冠军底特律活塞上的7次胜利, 81-74, 在圣安东尼奥的星期四晚上。
     It was the first time in 11 years the best-of-seven NBA finals had to be decided in a seventh game。
   它是在在一场第7比赛best-of-seven NBA决赛不得不被决定的11年里的第一次。   With everything on the line, it was a close, low scoring contest that featured blistering defense by both teams。
   与在行上的任何事物, 它是一靠近, 低得分的比赛那由两队的被给以显著地位的酷热的防卫。   Feeding off the energy of their home fans, who shouted "defense, defense! 离开他们的家扇子的精力的饲养, 谁呼喊了“辩护, 辩护! " throughout the game, San Antonio surged ahead in the fourth quarter to win, 81-74, and take the best of seven series, four games to three。
     " 在整个比赛, 在第四1/4圣安东尼奥向前澎湃了赢, 81-74, 并且拿最好7的系列, 到3的4场比赛。 It was the Spurs third NBA title in the last seven years。
   它是刺激在最后7年里的第3个NBA冠军。   Tim Duncan led the Spurs with 25 points and 11 rebounds and won his third Most Valuable Player award。
   与25意义和11反弹提姆•Duncan领导了刺激并且赢得了他的第3最贵重的播放器奖。   His coach Greg Popovich says Duncan can do so much when he's on the basketball court。
   当他在篮球场时他的格雷格•Popovich说Duncan的客车能如此多做。   NBA Finals MVP, Tim Duncan, holds the MVP trophy after the San Antonio Spurs defeated the Detroit Pistons "Tim is the factor。
     NBA决赛MVP, 提姆•Duncan, 认为在圣安东尼奥刺激以后的MVP奖品打败了底特律活塞 “提姆是因素。 He's the reason things go,” said coach Popovich。
   他是事情走的原因,” 说的客车Popovich。   “If he scores, that's great。 “如果他分数, 那是伟大的。 If he doesn't, he's spacing the floor [making the defense spread out], getting the ball to other people who do score。
     如果他不, 他间隔地板[做防卫展开], 把球装入做分数的另外的人。 He's always rebounding and playing defense。 他总是是反弹并且游戏辩护。
   So his complete game is so sound, so fundamental, so unnoticed at times because if he doesn't score people think, 'Well, he didn't do anything。
    ' But he was incredible, and he was the force that got it done for us。 因此他的完全的比赛是这样合理的, 这样基本, 这样被忽视有时因为如果他不得分,那么人想, “很好, 他没做任何东西。
  “ 但是他是难以置信的, 并且他是那给了它为我们被做的力量。   " Tim Duncan joins Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and Shaquille O'Neal among the only players to win the Most Valuable Player trophy three times in championship series play。
     " 提姆•Duncan加入魔力约翰逊, 在在冠军系列3次赢得最贵重的表演者奖品的唯一的表演者之中的迈克尔•乔丹和Shaquille O'Neal玩。
   Jordan won the MVP award six times with the Chicago Bulls。   带着芝加哥公牛奖6次乔丹赢得MVP。 。





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