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2月16日联合国大会投反对票的另11国: 玻利维亚 白俄罗斯 古巴 朝鲜 厄瓜多尔 伊朗 尼加拉瓜 俄罗斯 叙利亚 委内瑞拉 津巴布韦 这个名单准确吗?(电视画面看不清,联合国网站没有) 17票弃权都是哪些国家?



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    。。。 跟着楼主指向追网,得知2月16日联大投票通过决议,对阿盟提出有关结束叙利亚国内暴力冲突的倡议表示支持,并呼吁任命一位斡旋解决叙利亚危机的联合国特使。表决结果有137个国家赞成,12个国家反对,17个国家弃权。
    Algeria 2。Angola 3。Armenia 4。Fiji 5。Cameroon 6。Comoros 7。Lebanon 8。Myanmar 9。Namibia 10。
  Nepal 11。Sri Lanka 12。St。Vincent 13。Suriname 14。  Tanzania 15。 Tuvalu 16。Uganda 17。Vietnam。
    中国不是随波逐流,而是坚持原则,反对以暴制暴,维护叙利亚人民的根本利益 。。。 ** 补充 ** 补充 ** 补充 ** 以下为网上可查到的草案全文: Draft UN Resolutions on Syria Feb 16, 2012 - Full Text With the vote of Yes-137, No-12 and Abstain-17 out of 193 member-states, below is the full text of the draft United Nations Resolutions on the current human rights violation in Syria: List of Co-Sponsors: Morocco, France, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Portugal, Colombia, Togo, Libya, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Turkey。
     The Security Council, Recalling its presidential statement of 3 August 2011, Recalling General Assembly resolution A/RES/66/176 of 19 December 2011, as well as Human Rights Council resolutions S/16-1, S/17-1 and S/18-1, Noting the League of Arab States' request in its decision of 22 January 2012, Expressing grave concern at the deterioration of the situation in Syria, and profound concern at the death of thousands of people and calling for an immediate end to all violence, Welcoming the League of Arab States' Action Plan of 2 November 2011 and its subsequent decisions, including its decision of 22 January 2012, which aims to achieve a peaceful resolution of the crisis, Noting the deployment of the League of Arab States' observer mission, commending its efforts, regretting that, due to the escalation in violence, the observer mission was not in a position to monitor the full implementation of the League of Arab States' Action Plan of 2 November 2011, and noting the subsequent decision of the League of Arab states to suspend the mission, Underscoring the importance of ensuring the voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their homes in safety and with dignity, Mindful that stability in Syria is key to peace and stability in the region, Noting the announced commitments by the Syrian authorities to reform, and regretting the lack of progress in implementation, Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria, emphasizing its intention to resolve the current political crisis in Syria peacefully, and noting that nothing in this resolution authorizes measures under Article 42 of the Charter, Welcoming the engagement of the Secretary-General and all diplomatic efforts aimed at addressing the situation, and noting in this regard the offer of the Russian Federation to host a meeting in Moscow, in consultation with the League of Arab States, 1。
     Condemns the continued widespread and gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms by the Syrian authorities, such as the use of force against civilians, arbitrary executions, killing and persecution of protestors and members of the media, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, interference with access to medical treatment, torture, sexual violence, and ill-treatment, including against children; 2。
     Demands that the Syrian government immediately put an end to all human rights violations and attacks against those exercising their rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, protect its population, fully comply with its obligations under applicable international law and fully implement the Human Rights Council resolutions S-16/1, S-17/1, S-18/1 and the General Assembly resolution A/RES/66/176; 3。
     Condemns all violence, irrespective of where it comes from, and in this regard demands that all parties in Syria, including armed groups, immediately stop all violence or reprisals, including attacks against State institutions, in accordance with the League of Arab States' initiative; 4。
     Recalls that all those responsible for human rights violations, including acts of violence, must be held accountable; 5。
   Demands that the Syrian government, in accordance with the Plan of Action of the League of Arab States of 2 November 2011 and its decision of 22 January 2012, without delay: (a) cease all violence and protect its population; (b) release all persons detained arbitrarily due to the recent incidents; (c) withdraw all Syrian military and armed forces from cities and towns, and return them to their original home barracks; (d) guarantee the freedom of peaceful demonstrations; (e) allow full and unhindered access and movement for all relevant League of Arab States' institutions and Arab and international media in all parts of Syria to determine the truth about the situation on the ground and monitor the incidents taking place; and (f) allow full and unhindered access to the League of Arab States' observer mission; 6。
     Calls for an inclusive Syrian-led political process conducted in an environment free from violence, fear, intimidation and extremism, and aimed at effectively addressing the legitimate aspirations and concerns of Syria's people, without prejudging the outcome; 7。
     Fully supports in this regard the League of Arab States' 22 January 2012 decision to facilitate a Syrian-led political transition to a democratic, plural political system, in which citizens are equal regardless of their affiliations or ethnicities or beliefs, including through commencing a serious political dialogue between the Syrian government and the whole spectrum of the Syrian opposition under the League of Arab States' auspices, in accordance with the timetable set out by the League of Arab States; 8。
     Encourages the League of Arab States to continue its efforts in cooperation with all Syrian stakeholders; 9。
   Calls upon the Syrian authorities, in the event of a resumption of the observer mission, to cooperate fully with the League of Arab States' observer mission, in accordance with the League of Arabs States' Protocol of 19 December 2011, including through granting full and unhindered access and freedom of movement to the observers, facilitating the entry of technical equipment necessary for the mission, guaranteeing the mission's right to interview, freely or in private, any individual and guaranteeing also not to punish, harass, or retaliate against, any person who has cooperated with the mission; 10。
     Stresses the need for all to provide all necessary assistance to the mission in accordance with the League of Arab States' Protocol of 19 December 2011 and its decision of 22 January 2012; 11。
     Demands that the Syrian authorities cooperate fully with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and with the Commission of Inquiry dispatched by the Human Rights Council, including by granting it full and unimpeded access to the country; 12。
     Calls upon the Syrian authorities to allow safe and unhindered access for humanitarian assistance in order to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to persons in need of assistance; 13。
     Welcomes the Secretary-General's efforts to provide support to the League of Arab States, including its observer mission, in promoting a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis; 14。
     Requests the Secretary General to report on the implementation of this resolution, in consultation with the League of Arab States, within 21 days after its adoption and to report every 30 days thereafter; 15。
     Decides to review implementation of this resolution within 21 days and, in the event of non-compliance, to consider further measures; 16。
     Decides to remain actively seized of the matter。   共同提案国:摩洛哥、法国、英国、美国、德国、葡萄牙、哥伦比亚、多哥、利比亚、巴林、约旦、科威特、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国、阿曼、土耳其。
     安全理事会   重申2011年8月3联合国安理会的主席声明,   重申2011年12月19日A/RES/66/176,以及人权理事会S/16-1,S/17-1和S/18-1决议,   注意到阿盟2012年1月22日决议中的要求,   对叙利亚局势恶化和数千人死亡表示严重关切,并呼吁立即停止一切暴力,   欢迎阿盟2011年11月2日和随后决定的行动计划,包括2012年1月22日旨在和平解决危机的方案,   注意到阿盟进行政治观察的任务部署,对他们的努力表示赞扬,并对暴力升级表示遗憾。
    观察任务并未获得监视2011年11月2日“行动计划”在叙利亚获得全面实施的权限,阿盟随后决定暂停任务,   强调应确保流离失所的人民应在自己的家园里过安全和有尊严的生活,   必须意识到叙利亚的稳定是该地区和平与稳定的关键,   注意到叙利亚当局宣布改革的承诺,但对当局缺乏实际行动表示遗憾缺,   重申叙利亚的主权,独立,统一和领土完整,应遵循和平方针解决目前叙利亚的政治危机,并强调,在本决议的任何授权都应遵循联合国宪章第42条之规定。
       欢迎秘书长为解决危机所做的所有外交努力,并注意到俄罗斯提议在莫斯科举行有阿盟参加的协商会议。   1、对继续广泛严重的侵犯人权和基本自由表示谴责,如使用武力对平民,任意处决、屠杀和迫害示威者和媒体成员,任意拘留、强迫失踪、干扰医疗救援、酷刑、性暴力、虐待,包括对儿童的上述行为;   2、要求叙利亚政府立即停止对人权的侵犯,履行国际法规定的义务,保护人民和平集会、结社自由、言论自由的权利,并完全遵守S-16/1,S-17/1,S-18/1安理会人权决议和A/RES/66/176大会决议;   3、谴责一切暴力行为,不论它来自何处,要求叙利亚所有各方立即停止暴力,包括停止攻击国家机构的暴力行为;   4、所有侵犯人权的行为和一切暴力行为,应受到责任追究。
       5、强烈要求叙利亚政府迅速执行阿盟2011年11月2日和2012年1月22日的行动倡议:   (一)停止一切暴力行为,保护人民   (二)鉴于近期发生的事件,立即释放所有被任意拘留的人;   (三)所有叙利亚军队和武警部队撤出城镇,返回军营;   (四)允许和平示威;   (五)允许阿拉伯国家、阿盟有关机构和各国媒体不受阻碍的了解全部事实真相;   (六)允许阿盟不受阻碍的执行观察任务;   6、呼吁远离政治暴力、恐吓和极端主义,不带任何预期目的地,在一个由叙利亚主导的包容、自由的环境中讨论解决叙利亚人民正当愿望和关注的方案;   7、完全支持阿盟1月22日关于在叙利亚主导下进行政治过渡的决议,该决议要求叙利亚过度到民主、多元的政治制度,一切公民不论其背景或种族或信仰均平等的享有公民权利,该决议建议叙利亚政府和反政府人员在阿盟主导下,按照规定的时间表进行真诚的政治对话;   8、鼓励阿盟继续保持与叙利亚有关各方合作解决危机的努力;   9、呼吁叙利亚当局恢复观察员代表团的活动,并充分合作,让代表团能够全面和不受阻碍地执行观察任务,保证观察员自由访问、接触任何他们认为必要的人和地方,并保证任何与观察任务进行配合的人不会遭受惩罚和报复;   10、应按照阿盟2011年12月19日的建议和2012年1月22日的决定,为观察任务提供一切必要的支持;   11、要求叙利亚当局与人权理事会高级官员办事处积极合作,配合开启充分的、不受阻碍的人权状况调查通道;   12、呼吁叙利亚当局开启安全和不受阻碍的人道主义救援通道,以确保需要援助的人们获得帮助;   13、欢迎联合国秘书长为阿盟包括执行观察任务在内的所有解决危机的努力提供支持;   14、请联合国秘书长在本决议通过21天后,在与阿盟协商的基础上报告本决议的执行情况,此后每隔30天报告一次;   15、决定在21天内观察本决议的执行情况,若本决议未能得到很好的执行,将考虑采取进一步措施;   16、决定对此案继续保持关注。


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赞成与反对之比为11:1,啥也别说了,越辩越苍白,越辩越无力。 庄子曰,犹螳螂之怒臂以当车辙,则必不胜任矣。


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    八国联军中沙俄也是一份子。 1858年,沙俄逼清地方官员在瑷珲城签订了《瑷珲条约》。条约中规定:黑龙江以北、外兴安岭以南60多万平方公里的中国领土划归俄国。 1860年,中俄《北京条约》,将乌苏里江以东(包括库页岛在内---俄罗斯最大的岛屿)约40万平方公里中国领土,强行划归俄国。
     1864年《中俄勘分西北界约记》,将巴尔喀什湖以东、以南和斋桑卓尔南北44万多平方公里的中国领土,割给俄国。 1881年中俄伊犁条约共割占了塔城东北和伊犁、喀什噶尔以西约7万多平方公里的中国领土。
   沙俄共割占中国土地将近150万平方公里,还不包括在其撺掇和庇护下分裂出去的外蒙古165万平方公里,总计约占今天中国国土面积的1/3。   这些被占领的土地从此和中国永别。
   什么叫列强? 这就是列强中的列强! 联合国五个常任理事国的否决权,是苏联提出的,开始时遭到美英法的反对,但在苏联一再坚持下被设立。 在安理会否决权的行使中,美国行使否决权的次数约占苏俄行使否决权次数的3/4。
  葛罗米柯同志曾被称为“摇头先生”。    苏俄行使过否决权的次数,更是远远超过中,英,法三国的总和。 殖民地可以独立,曾经割给日本的台湾英国的香港葡萄牙的澳门都收回来,但只要是到了苏俄手里的东西,恐怕是想都不用想,连争议都不会让你争议一下。
  旧仇未了,又添新恨,半个瞎子又离我们而去了。 什么叫霸权主义?这就是彻头彻尾的霸权主义! 。





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