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  1。我将去美国4年 2。没有,我申请的是州立大学,没有给国际学生提供奖学金。 3。我父亲的朋友是这所学校国际招生的负责人,他给我介绍了这个学校。 4。因为我的英语有点薄弱,特别是听和说方面,所以我将去语言学校学习英语,而后在规定的时候修完所需的学分。 5。
  毕业后我将回国工作。 6。我父亲的朋友是这所学校国际招生的负责人,他给我推荐了这所学校,而后,我又去了解了这所学校,无论从这所学校的环境,设施还是教师资源都挺好的,所以我选择了这所学校。 7。自两年的大学生活,我一直在想未来的路应该怎么走,出国留学获得国际文凭,学习美国先进的管理知识,对于将来回国就业时有极大地优势,并且4年的留学生涯,能让我说的流利的英语,同时也能全面提升我的自我价值。
   8。我的成绩属于中等。 9。不,我没有这个习惯。 10。我用的是联想牌的电脑。 11。我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。 12,现在对我来说很难,不过将来到底如何,我就不知道了,不是吗? 13,我觉得这所学校的收费我的家庭能够承担。 14。这是件令人难过的事情。
   15。出国留学有利于全面提升自我价值,培养个人的就业竞争优势。 是一个发展中国家,近几年的经济不断的发展,回到中国中国能给我更多的发展空间,同时我的父母也希望我能学业有成回到中国。 17。我还没有去过别的国家。 18。我平时的爱好是上网,很多知识都能从电脑中获取。



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    能泰科技 [新手] 1。 I will go to the United States four years 2。 No, I is for the State University, does not offer scholarships to international students。
     3。 My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, he introduced me to this school。
   4。 Because of my English a bit weak, especially listening and speaking, so I will go to language school to learn English, then the required time to complete the necessary credits。
     5。 After graduation I will return to work。 6。 My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, I recommended him to the school, and later, I went to understand this school, whether from the school environment, facilities or teachers resources Duting Good, so I chose this school。
     7。 Since the two years of university life, I have been thinking about the future direction how to walk, study abroad by the international diploma, the United States learn the advanced management knowledge, the future home for employment have great strengths, and four-year career of studying abroad, I said let's fluent in English, but also to comprehensively enhance my self-worth。
     8。 I belong to the middle of the results。 9。 No, I do not have the habit。 10。
   I think licensing is used in the computer。 11。   My favorite color is blue。 12, it is very difficult now for me, but how the future in the end, I do not know, is not it » 13, I think the school fees of my family can bear。
     14。 This is a sad thing。 15。 Studying abroad is conducive to enhanced self-worth and personal employment competitive advantage。
     16。 China is a developing country, in recent years of continuous economic development and return to China and China will give me more room for development, while my parents hope I can Xueyeyoucheng to return to China。
     17。 I have not been to other countries。 18。 I do love the Internet, a lot of knowledge can be obtained from the computer。
   Also listen to music。   。


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    1。 I will go to the United States four years 2。 No, I is for the State University, does not offer scholarships to international students。
     3。 My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, he introduced me to this school。
   4。 Because of my English a bit weak, especially listening and speaking, so I will go to language school to learn English, then the required time to complete the necessary credits。
     5。 After graduation I will return to work。 6。 My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, I recommended him to the school, and later, I went to understand this school, whether from the school environment, facilities or teachers resources Duting Good, so I chose this school。
     7。 Since the two years of university life, I have been thinking about the future direction how to walk, study abroad by the international diploma, the United States learn the advanced management knowledge, the future home for employment have great strengths, and four-year career of studying abroad, I said let's fluent in English, but also to comprehensively enhance my self-worth。
     8。 I belong to the middle of the results。 9。 No, I do not have the habit。 10。
   I think licensing is used in the computer。 11。   My favorite color is blue。 12, it is very difficult now for me, but how the future in the end, I do not know, is not it » 13, I think the school fees of my family can bear。
     14。 This is a sad thing。 15。 Studying abroad is conducive to enhanced self-worth and personal employment competitive advantage。
     16。 China is a developing country, in recent years of continuous economic development and return to China and China will give me more room for development, while my parents hope I can Xueyeyoucheng to return to China。
     17。 I have not been to other countries。 18。 I do love the Internet, a lot of knowledge can be obtained from the computer。
   There listening to music 。  。


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    1。 I will go to the United States four years 2。 No, I is for the State University, does not offer scholarships to international students。
     3。 My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, he introduced me to this school。
   4。 Because of my English a bit weak, especially listening and speaking, so I will go to language school to learn English, then the required time to complete the necessary credits。
     5。 After graduation I will return to work。 6。 My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, I recommended him to the school, and later, I went to understand this school, whether from the school environment, facilities or teachers resources Duting Good, so I chose this school。
     7。 Since the two years of university life, I have been thinking about the future direction how to walk, study abroad by the international diploma, the United States learn the advanced management knowledge, the future home for employment have great strengths, and four-year career of studying abroad, I said let's fluent in English, but also to comprehensively enhance my self-worth。
     8。 I belong to the middle of the results。 9。 No, I do not have the habit。 10。
   I think licensing is used in the computer。 11。   My favorite color is blue。 12, it is very difficult now for me, but how the future in the end, I do not know, is not it » 13, I think the school fees of my family can bear。
     14。 This is a sad thing。 15。 Studying abroad is conducive to enhanced self-worth and personal employment competitive advantage。
     16。 China is a developing country, in recent years of continuous economic development and return to China and China will give me more room for development, while my parents hope I can Xueyeyoucheng to return to China。
     17。 I have not been to other countries。 18。 I do love the Internet, a lot of knowledge can be obtained from the computer。
   Also listen to music。   。


43 0

    1、I will go to the United States four years。 2、No, I is for the State University, does not offer scholarships to international students。
     3、My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, he introduced me to this school。
   4、Because I am a bit weak in English, in particular, listening and speaking, so I will go to language school to learn English, then the required time to complete the necessary credits。
     5、After graduation I will return to work。 6、My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, I recommended him to the school, and later, I went to understand this school, whether from the school environment, facilities or resources Duting good teachers Therefore, I chose this school。
     7、Since two years of university life, I have been thinking about the future direction how to walk, study abroad by the international diploma, the United States learn the advanced management knowledge, the future home for employment have great strengths, and four-year career of studying abroad, can I said in fluent English, but also to comprehensively enhance my self-worth。
     8、I belong to the middle of the results。 9、No, I do not have the habit。 10、I use the Lenovo computers licensing。
   11、My favorite color is blue。   12、Now it is very difficult for me, but how the future in the end, I do not know, is not it? 13、I think the school fees of my family can bear。
     14、This is a sad thing。 15、Studying abroad is conducive to enhanced self-worth and personal employment competitive advantage。
   16、China is a developing country, in recent years of continuous economic development and return to China and China will give me more room for development, while my parents hope I can Xueyeyoucheng to return to China。
     17、I have not been to other countries。 18、I do love the Internet, a lot of knowledge can be obtained from the computer。
   Also listen to music。   希望这些能够帮助楼主,另外楼主如果还有什么翻译的需要,建议你可以试试再线翻译,希望这能够最大限度的帮助楼主。 Google在线翻译: 祝问题早日解决!。


41 0

    1。 I will go to the United States four years 2。 No, I is for the State University, does not offer scholarships to international students。
     3。 My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, he introduced me to this school。
   4。 Because of my English a bit weak, especially listening and speaking, so I will go to language school to learn English, then the required time to complete the necessary credits。
     5。 After graduation I will return to work。 6。 My father's friends in this school is responsible for international students, I recommended him to the school, and later, I went to understand this school, whether from the school environment, facilities or teachers resources Duting Good, so I chose this school。
     7。 Since the two years of university life, I have been thinking about the future direction how to walk, study abroad by the international diploma, the United States learn the advanced management knowledge, the future home for employment have great strengths, and four-year career of studying abroad, I said let's fluent in English, but also to comprehensively enhance my self-worth。
     8。 I belong to the middle of the results。 9。 No, I do not have the habit。 10。
   I think licensing is used in the computer。 11。   My favorite color is blue。 12, it is very difficult now for me, but how the future in the end, I do not know, is not it » 13, I think the school fees of my family can bear。
     14。 This is a sad thing。 15。 Studying abroad is conducive to enhanced self-worth and personal employment competitive advantage。
     16。 China is a developing country, in recent years of continuous economic development and return to China and China will give me more room for development, while my parents hope I can Xueyeyoucheng to return to China。
     17。 I have not been to other countries。 18。 I do love the Internet, a lot of knowledge can be obtained from the computer。
   Also listen to music。  。





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