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希伯来大学留学有哪些优势 ?

希伯来大学留学有哪些优势 ?



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    以色列第一学府   希伯来大学是以色列领先的大学,世界排名经常进前100(和哈佛、麻省理工学院、剑桥、牛津一起)。学校的学生有走在世界学术研究前沿的众多著名教授指导。
  毕业之后,希伯来大学的学生在学界、企业部门、公共服务、文化和人文领域担任重要职务。   A huge range of courses and fields of study   We offer a wide number of academic fields: social sciences and the humanities, natural and life sciences, medicine, agriculture, law, business administration, social work, education, nutrition and more。
     You can choose from nearly 100 different programs covering all areas of knowledge and research, such as Amirim, a special dual-major program for honors students in the natural sciences, and the Alpha Program, which offers outstanding students the option of completing both a BA and an MBA in four years。
     You can also pursue unique programs that combine several fields of study, such as a program combining philosophy, economics and political science; a joint degree in law and social work; or the cognitive sciences, which combine psychology, linguistics, philosophy, logic and neuroscience。
       众多课程和研究领域   学校的研究涵盖诸多领域,包括社会科学与人文、自然与生命科学、医学、农学、法律、工商管理、社会工作、教育、营养学等。有将近100个不同的项目供你选,这些项目涵盖知识研究的所有领域,比如Amirim,Amirim是针对自然科学荣誉学生的一个特别的双学位项目;比如Alpha项目,Alpha项目针对成绩突出的学生,给他们机会在四年里完成文科学士和工商管理硕士学习。
     An international experience   Thanks to our global stature and strong ties with leading institutions across the globe, our students enjoy many opportunities to integrate an international experience with their regular course of study。
     Student exchange programs with Stanford University, study tours in Mongolia, visits to UN institutions in Belgium, workshops in Rwanda and many other activities are offered each year to Hebrew University students。
       国际经历   得益于学校在全球的地位及其与世界领先机构的牢固联系,希伯来大学的学生有很多机会将国际经历融入到他们的日常课程学习中。每年都有斯坦福大学学生交换项目、蒙古学习访问、联合国驻比利时机构访问、卢旺达实习等诸多机会向希伯来大学提供。
     The power to influence   We run dozens of social involvement projects including counseling for residents of distressed areas, helping youth at risk, and legal aid for socioeconomically disadvantaged sectors of society。
     Many different social and political movements and organizations operate here, and our students are invited students to participate in action for social change and an egalitarian society, and to assist in making Jerusalem’s young people a leading and influential force in the city。
       影响力   学校有十余个社会相关项目,包括贫困地区居民咨询、边缘青少年帮助、社会经济弱势行业合法援助等。许多不同的社会政治运功和组织在这里开展活动,学校的学生被邀请参与社会变革、促进社会平等,被邀请支援,让耶路撒冷的年轻人成为耶路撒冷这座城的富有影响力的领导力量。
       And some other reasons。。。   Hebrew University students enjoy a rich community atmosphere and lots of cultural and recreational options in Israel’s most fascinating city   The university provides over 200 million NIS in scholarships to students every year   The university offers a variety of residential options at different price levels in the various student dorms   The university’s support system provides advice, counseling and support to students with learning disabilities and ADHD, students with accessibility issues, and minority students   其他原因   希伯来大学学生拥有浓厚的集体氛围,拥有以色列最具吸引力的城市的诸多文化和娱乐选择。
       希伯来大学每年向学生提供超过2亿奖学金方面的网络信息服务。   希伯来大学有诸多不同价位的住宿可供选择。   希伯来大学支持系统向有学习障碍的学生、有注意力缺陷多动症的学生、移动困难的学生以及少数民族学生提供建议、咨询和支助。
     University students are invited to participate in the New Spirit internship project, which gives Jerusalem's students valuable professional experience, helps them make essential business contacts, and increases their chances to find a job in Jerusalem upon completion of their studies, in fields such as high-tech, biomed, policy and communications   The university has advanced sports centers with elaborate and spacious gyms, swimming pools, athletics stadium, tennis courts and dance studios -- all at a subsidized price   希伯来学生受邀参加新精神实习项目。
    该项目为耶路撒冷学生提供宝贵的职业经历,帮助学生建立核心商务联系,增加学生毕业后在耶路撒冷找到工作的几率。借该项目学生可以找高科技、生物医学、政策与通讯等方面的工作。 。





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