准备篇 之 智利签证 原本以为智利是一定要面签得,所以买好了去纽约得车票。但临去前一个星期,给波士顿的领馆发邮件询问,那里的答复是可以寄签。 At some point you must come to the Consulate, either in New York or Boston。 If you are serious about going to Chile, remember that it takes up to fifteen business days to get approval。 Send me by e-mail or fax(617)232-0817,...全部
准备篇 之 智利签证 原本以为智利是一定要面签得,所以买好了去纽约得车票。但临去前一个星期,给波士顿的领馆发邮件询问,那里的答复是可以寄签。 At some point you must come to the Consulate, either in New York or Boston。
If you are serious about going to Chile, remember that it takes up to fifteen business days to get approval。
Send me by e-mail or fax(617)232-0817, the Photo Page ONLY of your passport, together with a short note indicating when you wish to enter Chile, for how long, names and phone number of any Chilean contacts, and your local phone number in Buffalo。
If and when I receive approval, you must then come to Boston with your passport and the visa fee。
但是问题是,领取签证的时候还是要本人去使馆的。所以我就放弃了这个想法。 最终,我是6月7号到了纽约使馆办理签证。先去前台递交材料,原本是准备好了的申请表格,可是小米说,表格不对,要重新填,其实大致的问题还是都一样的。
但有个问题,就是纽约领事馆不收现金得,她让我们去2个block外的pharmacy买money order,说是手续费便宜。 小结:大概要10个工作日领到visa,但建议留出更长的时间 签证 51刀 单次 money order 手续费99cents。