1 电视频道多,可以迎合不同观众的喜好
There are many TV channels,which caters to the different love of the audiance。
2 到电影院看电影不方便,且质量不尽如人意。\
It's not convenient to see a film in the cinema and the quality is not good enough for audiance's requirement
3 还有电影票价过高。
The price is too high
4 近年来,由于电视和电脑的广泛普及,电影观众变的越来...全部
1 电视频道多,可以迎合不同观众的喜好
There are many TV channels,which caters to the different love of the audiance。
2 到电影院看电影不方便,且质量不尽如人意。\
It's not convenient to see a film in the cinema and the quality is not good enough for audiance's requirement
3 还有电影票价过高。
The price is too high
4 近年来,由于电视和电脑的广泛普及,电影观众变的越来越少。
In recent year, due to the popularity of TV and computer, film audience has become less and less。
ecent years, due to the papularity。