求助关于申请签证材料中的收入情况的问题,我计划今年九月份去英国德国荷兰丹麦四国旅游,现在在准备签证材料中,但是关于收入证明这方面有些问题不太清楚,因此想向请教下各位达人~谢谢各位啦~ 我的个人情况是刚刚毕业,年底公务员入职,因此现在还处于无收入无工作状态中,那么请问: 1.像我现在这种情况算不算经济尚未独立?如果去单位开一份年底入职的证明会不会有利于申请? 2.如果算经济未独立的话,那我还需要提供我个人名义的一些财产证明,如冻结存款账户流水么? 3.英签准备材料中说:“如果未工作,需提供资助人出具的文件,或解释旅行资金来源的说明信”。那这里所说的出具文件大致包括哪些呢?还有证明资助人关系这块,是不是用户口本就可以了?
your sponsors need to endorse that they agree to cover your expenses In addtion, travel to UK and other countries you may need different visas, though there are some recent updates。 Check the web of local embassies for further info。
your sponsors need to endorse that they agree to cover your expenses In addtion, travel to UK and other countries you may need different visas, though there are some recent updates。
Check the web of local embassies for further info。收起