"广告设计师" an ads designer
"总经理" the General Manager 如果加上名字就要去掉 the,以下同。同时注意多数时,要加s, 变成复数形式
"创意总监" the superviser of originality
"业务经理" the Business Manager
"客户代表" the client rep (representattive)
"摄影师" a photographer
"会计师" an accountant
"法律顾问" a legal adviser
"网络工程师" a network engineer
"策划部经理" the ...全部
"广告设计师" an ads designer
"总经理" the General Manager 如果加上名字就要去掉 the,以下同。同时注意多数时,要加s, 变成复数形式
"创意总监" the superviser of originality
"业务经理" the Business Manager
"客户代表" the client rep (representattive)
"摄影师" a photographer
"会计师" an accountant
"法律顾问" a legal adviser
"网络工程师" a network engineer
"策划部经理" the Manager of the Concoction Dept。
"副总经理" the Vice President
"管理部经理" the Director of the Administration Department (Dept。
"策划师" the concocter
"办公室主任" the Chief of the Office
"工程部经理" the Manager of the Engineering Dept。