尽快见到校长 see the president as soon as possible
除了我和他以外 but him and me / except (for) him and me /with the exception of him and me
一次令人愉快的野游 a plesant trip
一条热闹的街道 a lively street
各种各样的食品 variety of food / all kinds of food
提供杂志 offer magazine
令人感动的故事 a moving story
得分相同 ...全部
尽快见到校长 see the president as soon as possible
除了我和他以外 but him and me / except (for) him and me /with the exception of him and me
一次令人愉快的野游 a plesant trip
一条热闹的街道 a lively street
各种各样的食品 variety of food / all kinds of food
提供杂志 offer magazine
令人感动的故事 a moving story
得分相同 the same scores
最不贵的旅游路线 the cheapest costs by the tourist track
拍照 take a photo (of sb )
得病 be ill/ sick
接着去黄山 then, go to the Huang Mountain (山是这么拼得吧?偶有点忘了)
如此漂亮的一所房子 what a beautiful house /so beautiful a house
练习口语 practise oral language/ spoken language
一直看风景 see the sight for hours
太遗憾了 it is a pity
拥有自己的飞机 own a plane
外出旅行 travel outside
彼此交谈 talk with each other
去中国某个暖和的地方 go to a warm place in China
去潜水 go diving
订四张回北京的机票 book 4 tickets to/for Beijing
单程票 a single ticket/ one -way ticket
天涯海角 the remotest corners of the earth/the ends of the earth(初中的话,应该是后面一种翻译吧)
双人间 double room
去度假 go holiday
采用24小时制 introduce a 24-hour system
给警察打电话 call police
打扫干净 clean up (sth)
非常相似 be similar
沿着这一直往前走 go ahead along the way
浮出水面 float out of the surface
实验新的想法 try new ideas
在十岁的时候 at the age of ten
冲出大门 rush off the gate
从学校毕业 graduate from the school
第三发明 a NO3 invention /the third invention 第一种是比如我们说某样东西是一大发明;第二种是说这项发明是第三样东西,是强调顺序的,是第三项的。
对成功有信心 be confident about /to success
变得对自己有信心(直译过来) become confident to myself/或者直接become confident ,不一定要字字翻译,太罗嗦。
从事研究工作 do research