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  学院开设的课程实践性强,始终处于行业领先地位,被业界高度认可和尊重,并获得许多国际专业设计协会的认可。  学校教授和学生在诸多知名国际设计大赛中获奖,优势专业包括视觉传达、动漫、服装设计、室内与空间设计、工业设计等。
  悉尼科技大学建筑与设计学院的毕业生颇受澳洲各大公司青睐,学院每年举办的毕业生作品展,均有多家澳洲知名公司(如Alexander McQueen, Victoria’s Secret 和JeanPaul Gaultier)前来招贤纳才。
     悉尼科技大学建筑与设计学院开设的设计类专业课程如下: UTS建筑与设计学院本科课程 Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours) 景观建筑学士(荣誉本科) Bachelor of Design in Animation 动漫设计学士 Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles 时装和纺织品设计学士 Bachelor of Design in Integrated Product Design Bachelor of Design in Interior and Spatial Design Bachelor of Design in Photography and Situated Media Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Sound and Music Design 接下来,小编再为大家分别介绍一下悉尼科技大学的热门设计专业。
     Bachelor of Design in Animation动漫设计(3年) 课程设置: 第一年: Animation Studio: Foundations in Animation Language Context: 2D Animation Introduction Design Thinking Animation Studio: Foundations in Animation Design Context: 3D Animation Introduction Researching Design History 第二年: Animation Studio: Narrative Investigations Context: 3D Modelling and Rigging Introduction Select 6 credit points of electives 3D Modelling and Rigging Advanced Animation Studio: Narrative Experimentations Select 6 credit points of electives 第三年: Context: Design for 2D and 3D Digital Animation Animation Studio: Animation Practice Select 6 credit points of electives Context: Experimentations for 2D and 3D Digital Animation Animation Studio: Animation Industry Project Select 6 credit points of electives 学制: 3年 入学时间:2月/7月 学术要求:ATAR:84。
    4; 高考不低于2本线 雅思要求:总分6。5,单项不低于6 Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles 时装与纺织品设计学士 课程设置: 第一年: Thinking Fashion Studio: Foundations in Patternmaking and Construction 1 Studio: Fashion Illustration Fundamentals 1 Design Thinking Fashion Cultures Foundations in Patternmaking and Construction 2 Fashion Illustration Fundamentals 2 Researching Design History 第二年: Studio: Bespoke Fashion Fashion, Gender and Identity Studio: Fashion Illustration Exploration Select 6 credit points of electives Studio: Body Mapping Textile Lab: New Technologies Interdisciplinary Lab A Select 6 credit points of electives 第三年: Studio: Men's Collection Interdisciplinary Lab B Select 6 credit points of electives Studio: Women's Collection Fashion and Textiles Professional Practice Select 6 credit points of electives 学制: 3年   入学时间:2月/7月 学术要求:ATAR:90。
    7; 高考不低于2本线 雅思要求:总分6。5,单项不低于6 Bachelor of Design in Integrated Product Design 集成产品设计 课程设置: 第一年: Inside Design Understanding Three-dimensional Form Integrated Product Design Communication A Design Thinking Design Thinking in Integrated Product Design Integrated Product Design Communication B Informing Integrated Product Design Researching Design History 第二年: User-Centred Design Research Methods in Integrated Product Design Select 6 credit points of electives Interdisciplinary Lab A Select 12 credit points from the following Sub-major options Select 6 credit points of electives 第三年: Interdisciplinary Lab B Smart Design Select 6 credit points of electives Integrated Product Design ProfessionalCommunication Select 12 credit points from the following Sub-major options Select 6 credit points of electives 学制: 3年 入学时间:2月/7月 学术要求:ATAR:80; 高考不低于2本线 雅思要求:总分6。
    5,单项不低于6 Bachelor of Design in Interior and Spatial Design 室内及空间设计学士 课程设置: 第一年: Design Studio: Foundations in Spatial Language Context: Image and Making (Representation) Design Thinking Researching Design History Design Studio: Foundations in Spatial Design Context: Image and Making (Generative Methods) Design Studio: Inhabitations 第二年: Design Studio: Inhabitations Context: Inhabitations Select 6 credit points of electives Context: Experimentations Select 12 credit points from the following Design Studio: Experimentations Design Studio: Performative Spaces 1 Select 6 credit points of electives 第三年: Context: Explorations Select 12 credit points from the following Design Studio: Explorations Design Studio: Performative Spaces 2 Select 6 credit points of electives Context: Interdisciplinary Design Studio: Industry Select 6 credit points of electives 学制: 3年 入学时间:2月/7月 学术要求:ATAR:81。
    25; 高考不低于2本线 雅思要求:总分6。5,单项不低于6 Bachelor of Design in Photography and Situated Media摄影艺术以及多媒体展示艺术学士 课程设置: 第一年: Photographic History and Theory Design Studio: Photographic Intervention Design Thinking Situated Media Culture and Context Researching Design History Design Studio: The Photographic Studio 第二年: Design Studio: The Digital Image Photographic Context 1 Select 6 credit points of electives Design Studio: The Object Photographic Context 2 Select 6 credit points of electives 第三年: Design Studio: Research as Practice Photographic Context 3 Select 6 credit points of electives Graduation Exhibition Professional Practice: Photography Select 6 credit points of electives 学制: 3年 入学时间:2月/7月 学术要求:ATAR:70。
    35; 高考不低于2本线 雅思要求:总分6。5,单项不低于6 Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication 视觉传播设计学士 课程设置: 第一年: VC Design Studio: Text and Image 1 VC Project: Ways of Seeing Design Thinking VC Design Studio: Text and Image 2 VC Project: Symbols and Systems Researching Design History 第二年: VC Design Studio: Narrative, Form and Time VC Project: Contexts of Visual Communication Select 6 credit points of electives VC Project: Typography in Context VC Project: Visualising Experience Interdisciplinary Lab A Select 6 credit points of electives 第三年: VC Design Studio: Design Practice Interdisciplinary Lab B Select 6 credit points of electives VC Design Studio: Visual Communication andEmergent Practices VC Project: Socially Responsive Design Select 6 credit points of electives 学制: 3年 入学时间:2月/7月 学术要求:ATAR:93。
    20; 高考不低于2本线 雅思要求:总分6。5,单项不低于6 Bachelor of Sound and Music Design音效及音乐设计学士 课程设置: 第一年: Citizenship and Communication Audio Culture Select 8 credit points from the following:Sub-major choice Digital Literacies Electronic Music Composition Select 8 credit points from the following:Sub-major choice 第二年: Communicating Difference Live Sound Speech, Music, Sound Audio Production Sonology Select 8 credit points from the following:Sub-major choice 第三年: Sound for Time-based Media Media Arts Specialist Modules Select 8 credit points from the following:Electives Media Arts Project Select 16 credit points from the following:Electives 学制: 3年 入学时间:2月/7月 学术要求:ATAR:70; 高考不低于2本线 雅思要求:总分6。
    5,单项不低于6 研究生课程: Master of Animation 动画硕士 课程设置: 第一年: Animation Fundamentals Animation Concepts Seminar 3D Animation Classic Animation Techniques Graphic Visualisation Design Workshop: New Poetics Narrative Media Studio: Experiment 第二年: Moving Image Design Workshop: Experimental Media Narrative Media Studio: Design Writing for the Screen Animation Workshop: Creative Play Narrative Media Studio: Investigation 学制:2年 入学时间: Master of Animation (Immersive Media)—7月 Master of Animation (NarrativeMedia)—2/7月 学术要求:国内四年制本科毕业,且提供作品集,个人陈述和简历 雅思要求:总分6。
    5,单项不低于6 Master of Design设计硕士 课程设置: 第一年: Design Theory: Social Futures Design Workshop: Experimental Media Sustainability, Design and Creative Futures:Being Human Design Activism Animation Workshop: Creative Play Sustainability, Design and Creative Futures:Spatio-Temporal Shifts 第二年: Design Theory: Sustainability and Change Design Workshop: New Poetics Change Studio: Advanced 学制:1。
    5年 入学时间:2月/7月 学术要求:国内四年制本科毕业,且提供作品集,个人陈述和简历 雅思要求:总分6。5,单项不低于6 建筑与设计学院毕业生主要的工作领域/工作: 广告 动画 概念艺术家 家具和灯具设计 图形设计 安装和展览媒体 制片人 研究和政策制定 此外,悉尼科技大学建筑与设计各专业还有以下特点: 1。
    悉尼科技大学是澳洲第一个开设动漫设计硕士学位课程的大学,该课程集合了建筑与设计学院、信息技术学院和人文社科学院三大学院的优势。 2。悉尼科技大学被商业周刊(Business Week Magazine)评为世界上最好的艺术设计学院第39位,也是澳洲唯一入选的大学。
     3。悉尼科技大学建筑与设计学院动漫设计专业的毕业生Rachel Walls的作品Apple of Iron 2009年被选送参加被誉“动画奥斯卡”的法国安纳西国际动漫节。
  安纳西国际动画电影节,迄今已举办27届,是国际动画领域的盛会,其下设的动画长篇、动画短片、电视动画等奖项为世界动画办最高荣耀。   4。悉尼科技大学动漫设计与IT专业毕业生参与制作了《阿凡达》、《指环王》以及《骇客帝国》等好莱坞大片后期特效制作。
   5。悉尼科技大学建筑与设计学院开设的服装设计专业为学生提供多媒体及裁剪工作室,甚至工厂实习机会,以帮助学生在未来的就业中更具有竞争力。 6。悉尼科技大学建筑与设计学院为学生提供最新、最敏捷的制作设备。
    这些配有65节点Maya Rederfarm标准科技制作水平的设备可以帮助学生制作出更优秀的具有直接、长篇品质的作品来。 7。悉尼科技大学建筑与设计学院所开设的建筑专业(本硕连读)受澳洲建筑师协会认证。
   8。悉尼科技大学是每年悉尼艺术节的主办方之一,负责在艺术节上组织专业讨论和提供展览作品。   以上便是分析内容,仅供参考。





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