In the fall of 1986, President Reagan and Congress signed legislation that proclaimed the rose the National Floral Emblem。 This is a fitting title for a flower that has been growing in the country for about 40 million years and is undoubtedly the most recognizable flower in the world。 In sever...全部
In the fall of 1986, President Reagan and Congress signed legislation that proclaimed the rose the National Floral Emblem。
This is a fitting title for a flower that has been growing in the country for about 40 million years and is undoubtedly the most recognizable flower in the world。
In several opinion polls conducted in the United States, over 85% of the respondents chose the rose as their number one choice of flower。
是玫瑰。 1986年里根和国会签署立法宣布玫瑰是国花。收起