康奈尔大学(Cornell University),是一所位于美国东北纽约上州手指湖地区伊萨卡市的世界顶级研究型综合大学,另有两所分校位于纽约市和卡塔尔教育城,是著名的常春藤联盟成员,康奈尔大学也是常春藤名校中唯一采用公私合营的办学模式,最初以农工学院为特色而起家,其酒店管理学院、工业与劳工关系学院为全美首创。 那么对于想去该校读本科的学生来说,了解一下康奈尔大学对ACT成绩的要求很有必要,接下来就让小编为大家介绍一下这方面的信息吧。
What are the GPA and SAT/ACT cutoffs for admission?
We don't have any。 Unli...全部
康奈尔大学(Cornell University),是一所位于美国东北纽约上州手指湖地区伊萨卡市的世界顶级研究型综合大学,另有两所分校位于纽约市和卡塔尔教育城,是著名的常春藤联盟成员,康奈尔大学也是常春藤名校中唯一采用公私合营的办学模式,最初以农工学院为特色而起家,其酒店管理学院、工业与劳工关系学院为全美首创。
What are the GPA and SAT/ACT cutoffs for admission?
We don't have any。
Unlike some state university systems, Cornell does not use any single formula for its admission decisions。
In fact, the whole process can be very subjective。 First and foremost, we look at your high school record, the rigor of your coursework, your grades, and your rank-in-class (don't worry if your school doesn't rank -- that's quite common)。
The personal application you write (essays, extracurriculars, etc。) is also a very important piece of Cornell's selection process。
Standardized testing plays a role, but probably not as much as you think。 From there, we rely on a lot of tools that can't be quantified: recommendations, for example, and interviews (required for architecture and hotel applicants)。
Since all of these pieces help inform our decisions, we can't point to any master chart of GPA and test scores and automatically tell you what the decision will be。
And frankly, we like it that way, because it allows us to learn as much as we can about each of our applicants。