你怎么可以这样说? 翻译成英语
How can you say like that?
How can you say that?
用有道翻译输入How can you say like that?翻译结果为“你怎么可以这样说?” 而输入“你怎么可以这样说?”翻译结果为“How can you say that?”
如果说How can you say that?是上述意思,那么“你怎么可以说那个呢?”又该怎么翻译了?
How can you say like that = is wrong How could you say something like that? = OK你怎么可以说那个呢?How can you say that = OK你怎么可以这样说i might have misunderstood your question, but i think this is what you're looking for。
How can you say like that = is wrong How could you say something like that? = OK你怎么可以说那个呢?How can you say that = OK你怎么可以这样说i might have misunderstood your question, but i think this is what you're looking for。