1. 您好,这里是燕化凤凰医院,请出示您的护照 Good morning/afternoon。 Welcome to Yanhua(Yanshan Chemical Industry) Phoenix Hospital。 Please show us your passport。 2. 请问您哪里不舒服?这些症状有多长时间了? (Could you let us know) what's the matter? When do these sympotons happen? 3. 请您先在挂号室挂号,挂号室在我院门诊楼2层。 Please register in the regis...全部
1. 您好,这里是燕化凤凰医院,请出示您的护照
Good morning/afternoon。 Welcome to Yanhua(Yanshan Chemical Industry) Phoenix Hospital。
Please show us your passport。
2. 请问您哪里不舒服?这些症状有多长时间了?
(Could you let us know) what's the matter? When do these sympotons happen?
3. 请您先在挂号室挂号,挂号室在我院门诊楼2层。
Please register in the register-room, right on the 2nd floor of the outpatient service building。
4. 你什么时候发现低落的情绪持续的时间比原来长了呢
At what time did you find the last-time of depresion is longer than ever?
5. 你呕吐过没有
Have you ever felt sick? /Have you ever vomitted?
6. 腹痛前您干了什么? 饮酒
What're you doing before suffering the abdominal pain? Drinking?
7. 您曾经怀孕几次
How many times do you get pregnant?
8. 根据您的病情,需要做核磁检查
You need to get an NMR inspection according to your condition。
9. 请您告诉我是什么药物过敏?可以写下来么
(Plese let us know) any possiblity of drug allgey? Write it down。
10. 现在还不能确定您的得是什么病,我们需要进行检查,化验结果出来才能确诊
We can only inform you what the disease is untill a necessary inspection and analysis。
11. 请把手伸出来,我要从你的手指上采一点血样
Please stetching out your hands, we should sample a bit of your blood from your figure。
12. 我们已经说明了这个检查的必要性,如果您坚持不做这些检查,出现问题我们无法负责,您明白么
We've already claimed the necessity of the inspection。
If you won't accpet it, and we have no responsibility for any result unexpected。 We need your kind cooperation。
13. 这是您的处方,请您带处方到药房交费、取药
This is your prescription, and you should take it to check-out and get your drugs from the pharmacy。
14. 我能看一下医生给您的处方么
Could I have a look on the prescription?
15. 您的病情已愈,可以出院了。请你到住院处办理出院手续,并进行费用结算
Congratulations! You're completely recover。
Please turn to the hospitalization department for the process of leaving hospital and checking-out。