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2017-11-16 00:00:00 2017-11-17 23:59:59 http://h.chanjet.com/activity/hkj/xlaw/xlaw.html http://yyk.iask.sina.com.cn/pic/fimg/3991231702_800.jpg
2018-03-26 00:00:00 2018-04-25 23:59:59


I enjoyed your pictures very much. And also your poems. My favorite was the second one "because I'm your wife". It said very much about your ideas and soul I think. Do not worry about your English too much, I promise when I come I'll bring a dictionary! Your English will always be better than my Chinese. As I told you, I'm a total failure at speaking your language except for just a few words. I was even told once that when I said "Xie Xie" that I was doing it incorrectly. You have a very beautiful face. And I love your eyes. They show your heart so well. That's what attracted me the most when we first started talking. All you pictures show that so well, although in some of them you don't seem to be so happy. Now, I have to tell you it will be several months before I am able to come to Beijing to visit. January will probably be the earliest. There are a lot of business committments I have to complete between now and then end of the US calendar year. I know it will be cold in Beijing, but cold doesn't bother me too much. I hope it doesn't bother you too much either!! That's the problem with trying to connect with what we call in the US a "work-a-holic". Business is always a problem to interface with a private life. Even my "girls" suffer sometimes - the girls are my dogs Cha and Nellie. [展开]

h*** 2008-08-25 16:03:27 举报

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