Resume:Submit your current Resume。 Outline your education, research experience, work experience, publications, scholarships aw...全部
Resume:Submit your current Resume。 Outline your education, research experience, work experience, publications, scholarships awarded, prizes and honors received, society memberships, and any other extracurricular activities。
CMU要求我们提交current resume,这就要求简历里面包含的是我们最近的相关经历,对于高中、初中甚至小学的经历,其实没有太大必要写在简历上。而且在简历的写作过程中,我们一般也采用由近及远的方式,即先写我们正在做的项目、再写我们已经完成的项目,这样方便录取委员会第一时间看到我们最近正在进行的项目是什么。
Statement of Purpose:Submit a Statement of Purpose。 Prepare a concise one or two page essay that describes your primary areas of interest in research, your related experiences, and your objective in pursuing a graduate degree at Carnegie Mellon。
Your essay should be specific in describing your interests and motivations。 When describing your research interests, you should explain why you think they are important areas of study and why you are particularly well-suited to pursuing them。
You should describe any relevant education, research, commercial, government, or teaching experience。
If you are applying to more than one program, you may (but are not required to) submit a separate Statement of Purpose for each program。
You must upload your Resume and Statement of Purpose in either PDF, MS Word, or text format。 Include your name and User ID on the essay。
Letters of Recommendation:Submit three letters of recommendation。
Recommenders should know you relatively well and be able to evaluate the quality of your previous work。
At least two should be from faculty or recent employers。 With the online application, letters will be requested and submitted electronically。
Paper recommendations will not be accepted。 Letters of recommendation are due by December 15。 All deadlines are final。
Letters received after this date may not be considered in the review of your application。