Fulfil or cause a third party acceptable to the Company of which the due and faithful performance shall be guaranteed by ……….[Name of Guarantor]………., by virtue of this Guarantee, as if such third party was ………[the Tenderer’s Name]………., to fulfil all such duties and obligations on the same terms and conditions stated in the Agreement.
Fulfil or cause a third party acceptable to the Company of which the due and faithful performance shall be guaranteed by ………。 [Name of Guarantor]………。, by virtue of this Guarantee, as if such third party was ………[the Tenderer’s Name]………。 , to fulfil all such duties and obligations on the same term...全部
Fulfil or cause a third party acceptable to the Company of which the due and faithful performance shall be guaranteed by ………。
[Name of Guarantor]………。, by virtue of this Guarantee, as if such third party was ………[the Tenderer’s Name]………。
, to fulfil all such duties and obligations on the same terms and conditions stated in the Agreement。
句子主干:Fulfil or cause a third party to fulfil duties/obligations。