极品 Masterwork
百合冰咖啡 iced coffee with lily
浓缩冰淇淋咖啡 condensed ice cream coffee
百香果茶 fragrant fruit tea
牛奶冰淇淋雪泡 Milk Ice Cream Puf
咖啡雪泡 Coffee Puf
摩卡奇诺冰沙 Mocca Cappuccino Slush
松饼 Muffin
厚片吐司 thick toast
澳洲小牛排 Australian little beef steak
特色小牛排 Special little beef steak
黑椒牛柳比萨 Pizza with black pe...全部
极品 Masterwork
百合冰咖啡 iced coffee with lily
浓缩冰淇淋咖啡 condensed ice cream coffee
百香果茶 fragrant fruit tea
牛奶冰淇淋雪泡 Milk Ice Cream Puf
咖啡雪泡 Coffee Puf
摩卡奇诺冰沙 Mocca Cappuccino Slush
松饼 Muffin
厚片吐司 thick toast
澳洲小牛排 Australian little beef steak
特色小牛排 Special little beef steak
黑椒牛柳比萨 Pizza with black pepper and sliced beef
至尊香肠比萨 Grand sausage pizza
菠萝火腿比萨 Pineapple ham pizza
什锦蔬菜比萨 assorted vegetable pizza
黑椒牛柳炒意粉 Fried Macaroni with black pepper and sliced beef
海鲜茄汁意粉 Macaroni with Seafood and Ketchup
意大利肉酱面 Italian Meat Sauce Noodle
?h茄汁猪扒意粉 Macaroni with Fried Pork Steak
超级鸡腿汉堡 Super Hamburger
美味炸鸡汉堡 Delicious Fried Chicken Hamburger
牛排汉堡 Beef Steak Hamburger
近邻汉堡 Neighbour's Hamburger
什锦汉堡 Assorted Hamburger
北菇滑鸡煲仔饭 Potted Rice with Mushroom and Chicken
豉汁排骨煲仔饭 Potted Rice with chop in bean juice
腊味煲仔饭 Potted Rice with Dried meat
黑椒牛柳煲仔饭 Potted Rice with
豉汁排骨饭 Rice with chop in bean juice
黑椒牛柳饭 Rice with Black Pepper and Sliced Beef
葱爆牛肉饭 Rice with Shallot Fried Beef
孜然羊肉饭 Rice with Cumin and Mutton
滑炒双菇饭 Rice with two mushrooms
鸡腿饭 Rice with chicken leg
咖喱鸡饭 Rice with Chicken Curry
咖喱牛肉饭 Rice with Beef Curry
什锦生菜沙拉 Assorted Lettuce Salad
鲔鱼沙拉 Sturgeon Salad
洋芋沙拉 Patato Salad
水果沙拉 Fruit Salad
奶油玉米浓汤 Condensed Milk Corn Soup
俄罗斯罗宋汤 Russian Borsch
哈利海鲜浓汤 Condensed Soup with Clam and Seafood
什锦蔬菜汤 Assorted Vegetable Soup
爆米花 Pop Corn
法式洋葱圈 French Onion Rings
法兰西多士 French Toast
炸薯条 French Fry 或者 Chips
美味香蕉卷 Delicious Banana Roll
脆皮香蕉 Crisp Banana
香芋多士卷 Taro Toast Roll
西域风情鸡翅 Xinjinag Flavor Chicken Wing
台湾香肠 Taiwan Flavor Sausage
美味炸鸡腿 Delicious Fried Chicken Leg
麦香炸鸡翅 Fried Chicken Leg with Wheat Flavor
香瓣炸鸡 Hot Fried Chicken 是香辣吧?
风味特色小吃 Special Flavor Snacks