Words for 2006 Christmas Eve and New Year’s Get-together
瑞雪纷飞的隆冬时节,我们踏着料峭的寒风而来,齐聚在这圣诞狂欢之夜,埋藏已久地期盼化作今日相逢的喜悦,在这乐意融融的日子里,我们同时也迎来了一年一度的元旦佳节,今天因为圣诞的浪漫,我们沐浴在欢乐之谷。 此刻,因为新年的憧憬,我们徜徉在幸福的海洋,下面我宣布金华幼稚园2006年圣诞暨元旦联欢会现在开始!
At this grand winter season with auspicious snow flying in succession, ...全部
Words for 2006 Christmas Eve and New Year’s Get-together
At this grand winter season with auspicious snow flying in succession, We have come treading the chilly wind, gathering together on this delight and happy Christmas Eve with the prolonged and hidden expectation turning into today’s meeting happiness。
At this joyous and harmonious moment, we, at the same time, welcome the annual festival -- the New Year’s Day。
Today, because of the romance of Christmas, we are bathing in a happy valley。 At the moment, with new year’s longing, we are wandering about in the happy ocean。
Next, I declare Jinhua Kindergarten 2006 Christmas Eve and New Year’s Get-together, S-T-A-R-T!
1 是谁吹皱了一池的春水,又是谁凝结了那浓得化不开的绿意,我们向往绿一浓浓的春天,下面请欣赏大二班小朋友带来的舞蹈《绿的向往》
Who has blown one pool of spring water crinkling? Who has also coagulated the green densely? We long for green--- the thick spring。
Next performance, please enjoy a dance “ Green Hope”, performed by little third-year friends from Class 2。
2 顽皮的小鹿,拉着载满欢乐的雪橇,空气中弥漫着迷人的芳香,请欣赏由大二班全体小朋友为大家带来的打击乐《铃儿响叮当》
Naughty deerlets are pulling the sledge loaded with happiness, the air filling with charming fragrance。
Please enjoy a percussion music “Jingle Bells”, performed by Class 2, Grade Three。
3 一群小老鼠出来偷油吃,他们偷到了吗?欣赏完小一班小朋友带来的《小老鼠上灯台》,您就明白了!
A gang of little mice have come out to steal oil。 Have they got it? You will know after “ Little Mice Climbing Lantern Platform”, brought by Class one, Grade One。
4 下面我给大家猜个谜语“小可爱美滋滋,出门忘了系扣子,露出白白的大肚子”你们猜是什么呀?——小企鹅。对了,现在小企鹅们也要和我们小朋友一起过节了,大家还不赶快欢迎欢迎。
4。 Next, I’d like all of you to solve a riddle: “ Little lovely is happy, going out without buttoning, showing his white big belly” What is it? ---- Baby penguin, that is right。
Now baby penguins also want to spend the festival with our little friends。 Let’s welcome them quickly。
5 欢快的节奏,动感的旋律,下面请欣赏由大三班全体小朋友带来的《喜唰唰》
5。 With bright rhythm and dynamic melody, Class 3, Grade 3 have brought us a dance “ Xi Shuashua”。
Please enjoy。
In this happy festival, may you enjoy every joy in your wish。
May every piece of trivial things bring you sweet feeling and infinite happiness。 May bright and festive Christmas candle light warm your every day and night in a year, just like our smiling face filling your heart at every moment。
Snow flakes are falling down silently from Christmas tree, and wind brings intoxicating sound of bells。
When darkness spreads across the heaven, sound of “ Silent Night” is heard。 We meet together singing and laughing in the ardent festive atmosphere。