This is Lynn Guan from FMC executive search firm. It was a pleasant conversation with you on the telephone just now. Thank you for your time and your interest in the service we provide.
We are an executive search firm focusing on searching for middle to senior management position. The majority of our clients are Fortune 500 American and European multinational companies. Please visit for more detailed information about us.
We are interested and sincere in keeping a long-term relationship with you. Would you please provide us your updated Resume, by which we could reach a better understanding of your experience and your career expectation? Your resume will be handled with strict confidentiality and your approval would be needed before any release of information in your resume. After receiving your resume, we will keep you informed about the market information, which you might have interest.
我是FMC搜寻服务公司的Lynn Guan。刚才与您在电话上进行了一次愉快的畅谈。感谢您在百忙之中花时间关注我们所提供的服务。
我们是一家专注于寻找中高级管理人员的服务公司。我们的主要客户为欧美500强的跨国公司。 更详细的信息可以在我们的网址 上查阅。
我们真诚地期望与您保持长期的关系。您方便给我们一份您的最新简历吗,通过您的简历我们可以对您的工作经验和新工作的期待有一个更好的了解。对于您的简历我们会严格保密,任何可能泄露您的个人信息的行为都会事先经过您的允许。 收到您的简历后我们会通知您可能感兴趣的相关市场信息。
我是FMC搜寻服务公司的Lynn Guan。刚才与您在电话上进行了一次愉快的畅谈。感谢您在百忙之中花时间关注我们所提供的服务。
更详细的信息可以在我们的网址 上查阅。