has he ever thought for you? are you clear what you want to be, what kind of life you want to have and what kind of person you want to stay with in future? while reading what you wrote, it seemed that you are not clear about yourself and your own life。
has he ever thought for you? are you clear what you want to be, what kind of life you want to have and what kind of person you want to stay with in future? while reading what you wrote, it seemed that you are not clear about yourself and your own life。
thatpeopleliveisnotjustforbeingalive:forfood, opleshouldcertainlyhavetheirownjobandkeeptheirownsocialcontactsjustlikeyouare, vingupallofthosemeansbeinginabigriskytoliveatunstablesituationeveryday。
Canyoudothatjustforamanwhodoesn'treallylikeyou,butonlyneedasimplefemaletodowhatheneeds?thisisnotarightattitudetowardslife,and you already felt uncomfortable, and will not keep a balance with him in your relationship, since you are not a cheap waitress, who doesn't have any other skills or chances to do somethings else。
you really have to change your way of thinking, when you re-start a relationship。
e。whatdoyouwant。。。, n'talwaysfollowhisidea,asitisyourownlife,youshouldchooseyourselfallthetime,aslongasyouhaveagoodjob。
all that you wrote is about what he wants, you seem having no idea on how to have a happy life with which kind of man who suits yyyyyou!!!!
Losingajobtodowhatyoudon'tlikeislikelivinginhell,youshouldnottry。everybodyknowsit, reover, yourcase,heisfarawayfromlovingsomeone,andwon'tbearealmanwhenhekeepsthinkingforhimself,nooneelse, all the time。
he will never change himself, but very possible change his partner, because he always keeps his job。
after thingking over what you want and your ideas on your future life, you don't have to be afraid of telling him the truth, and if he gave up you because of this, he would not be the right man for you and not worth to be loved by you。
keep clear mind to be yourself。 your future happpiness is in your hand, but if you lost you job, you could not control your own life any longer。
make things clear that a good relationship or a true happy family need two people devote themselves to each other, not only one person asks another to do so。
It won't work, which everybody knows, especially the divorce people (he) should know。 talking about the Korean living style is very much stupid and an old fation, since even the Korean and the Japaness are changing and giving it up。
you should not be fooled by his words, since it only shows that he is too simple minded, and doesn't know outside the world at all。
(in Europe, if a woman accepted this kind of unbelievable requirement, people would look down her and see her like an idiot。
think over carefully,and then tell him you won't give up working, and hope that you both could try your efforts together to make things work if he also would like to do so。
he should repect your choice, if he wants to have relationship with you。
if you want to be happy again after your first marriage, you must keep clear mind and be strong to keep self-respect and make your own decision based on what yyyyyyyyyyyou want, which is the most important thing as a woman。
take care