Summary of this paper is correct understanding of the importance of grassroots democracy in China's rural and far-reaching impact maturity is an important embodiment of China's socialist system, is a mature line with the international symbol。 The development of rural grassroots democracy is the ...全部
Summary of this paper is correct understanding of the importance of grassroots democracy in China's rural and far-reaching impact maturity is an important embodiment of China's socialist system, is a mature line with the international symbol。
The development of rural grassroots democracy is the foundation of China's socialist democracy work。
Construction on the building of rural grassroots democracy and grassroots democracy in cities, inner-party democracy and a socialist political civilization has a great role model。
How China's rural grass-roots democracy, we must focus on this huge main farmers in rural areas as the starting point, From ancient times to the great changes and the changing trend analysis。
Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China's rural areas have undergone earth-shaking changes to, from China's national conditions and process analysis, Democracy is still in the initial stage of starting from the "Organic Law of Villagers Committees People's Republic of China" rks"thevillagerautonomy"asapoliticalsysteminChinawasformallyestablished。
Thispaperdiscussesthehistoricalbackgroundoftheconstructionofruralgrassrootsdemocracy;ThesecondpartoftherealityofChina'sruralgrassrootsdemocratic significance analysis; The third part of the building of grassroots democracy in rural China to clarify the current situation and achievements; Part IV analysis of the current problems in the construction of grassroots democracy in China's rural areas; Fifth part of the strategy and measures to solve the problem。
This paper elaborated on the historical background of China's rural grass-roots democracy, the actual significance, achievements, problems and solutions。
Keywords : My building of rural grass-roots democracy, the actual significance of status and success, there are problems Countermeasures 。