In (On) Feb。2nd 1979,China’s Vice-premier Deng Xiaoping was on (a) visit to the U。S。He was in the space flight center near to (remove to) Houston (,) Texas。 Sat (Sitting) in the pilot’s seat of a model of a space shuttle(航天飞机),he was ask (asked) to touch a button to make it landing (land) on the ...全部
In (On) Feb。2nd 1979,China’s Vice-premier Deng Xiaoping was on (a) visit to the U。S。He was in the space flight center near to (remove to) Houston (,) Texas。
Sat (Sitting) in the pilot’s seat of a model of a space shuttle(航天飞机),he was ask (asked) to touch a button to make it landing (land) on the earth from a height,(remove ,) of 95,000 feet,that (which) he did 。
From windows of the craft,he could see the earth coming up to meet him as a returned (returning) space pilot would see (have seen) it。
Millions of people in both China and the US watch (watched) this on TV with delight。收起