碧海环抱中的鼓浪屿,面积1。87平方公里,岛上海礁嶙峋,岸线迤逦,山峦叠翠,峰岩跌宕,大自然鬼斧神工造就了鼓浪屿明丽隽永的海岛风光,主要景点有日光岩、菽庄花园、皓月园,均为厦门名景。鼓浪屿属亚热带海洋性季风气候,雨量充沛,四季温和,岛上90多科4000余种植物常年郁郁葱葱,珍贵树种有国内仅有的大果红心木、国内最粗的印度紫檀、从新西兰等国引种的各类珍稀果树,岛上一些植被已形成亚热带海洋性季风气候下的顶级群落。 鼓浪屿周边海域为厦门港主要部分,濒临中华白海豚保护区、文昌鱼保护区、大屿岛白鹭保护区,与金门列岛隔海相望。
The blue sea surrounds 鼓浪屿。Area 1。 8...全部
The blue sea surrounds 鼓浪屿。Area 1。
87 square kilometers。 The island Shanghai reef is rugged。The waterfront meanders, the mountain range folds the green jade, thepeak crag is unconstrained, nature 鬼斧神工 has accomplished theGulangyu bright meaningful island scenery, the main scenic spot hasthe sunlight crag, the beans village garden, the bright moon garden,for Xiamen famous scenery。
Gulangyu is the subtropics oceanity monsoonclimate, the rainfall abundant, four seasons temperate, on the islandmore than 90 branches 4,000 kind of plants year to year are green andluxuriant, the precious tree seed has greatly annato red country andso on ground-wood core, home thickest India red sandalwood, each kindof rare and precious fruit tree from New Zealand which the home onlyhas which introduces a fine variety, on the island some vegetation hasformed under the subtropics oceanity monsoon climate to go against thelevel group to fall。
The Gulangyu peripheral sea area for the XiamenPort main part, borders on the Chinese beluga protectorate, theamphioxus protectorate, the big islet island egret protectorate,隔海相望 with the Jinmen chain islands。