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  白塔山位于兰州市黄河北岸,海拔一千七百多米,山势起伏,有“拱抱金城”之雄姿。   古代,这里是军事要冲,山下有气势雄伟的金城关、玉迭关、王保保城;山上有层层峰峦,其中“白塔层峦”为兰州八景之一。 站在黄河南岸,举目北望,黄河铁桥,白塔山公圆建筑群,白塔寺浑然一体,尽收眼底,有“河桥远眺”之称。
  穿过黄河铁桥,白塔山一,二,三台建筑群,迎面耸立,飞檐红柱,参差绿树丛中,这是自一九五八年建圆时在坍塌的古建筑废墟上重建的 ,总建筑面积八千余平方米。这个建筑群把对称的石阶、石壁、亭台、回廊连贯一起,上下通达,层次分明,结构严整,是我国古代建筑中别具风格的建筑形式。
  如重叠交错的重檐四角亭、对立式的二台碑厦、砖木结构的三台大厅等,所有建筑物都配饰砖雕、木雕和彩画。   三台建筑群的迎面是白塔主峰,山势陡峭,古代建筑有“风林香袅”牌坊、罗汉殿、三宫殿等。   山顶的古建筑物有三星殿、迎旭客阁,凭栏远眺日出,放眼黄河,气象万千。
  宋嘉定五年(公元1212年),何玫摹刻于岳麓书院。兰州此碑,系清咸丰十一年(公元1861年),酒泉郡侯建功模立,碑高九尺,宽三尺,上刻七十七字。   白塔山西北方,林木葱郁,朝阳山、马头山、冠云山、环翠山峰峦层叠。浓荫深处,有休息亭,供游人小憩。亭前有蓄水池。
  这里山高林密,是登山远眺,避暑纳凉的好地方。 。



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  如 重叠交错的重檐四角亭、对立式的二台碑厦、砖木结构的三台大厅等”这几句。   白塔山位于兰州市黄河北岸,海拔一千七百多米,山势起伏,有“拱抱金城”之雄姿。 The White Pagoda Mountain is located on the northern bank of the Yellow River, towering 1,700 meters above sea level。
     The rolling ranges take on majestic appearance of Embracing the Golden City。    古代,这里是军事要冲,山下有气势雄伟的金城关、玉迭关、王保保城;山上有层层峰峦,其中“白塔层峦”为兰州八景之一。
     At ancient time, it functioned as a military stronghold。 At the bottom of the mountain strategically lies the Golden City Pass (Jingcheng Pass), Piled Jade Pass (Yudie Pass) and Wang Baobao Town。
     The mountain boasts ridges and peaks upon each other, of which the Cascading Peaks of White Pagoda Mountain is known as the one of eight highlights in Lanzhou。
     站在黄河南岸,举目北望,黄河铁桥,白塔山公圆建筑群,白塔寺浑然一体,尽收眼底,有“河桥远眺”之称。穿过黄河铁桥,白塔山一,二,三台建筑 群,迎面耸立,飞檐红柱,参差绿树丛中,这是自一九五八年建圆时在坍塌的古建筑废墟上重建的 ,总建筑面积八千余平方米。
    这个建筑群把对称的石阶、石壁、亭台、回廊连贯一起,上下通达,层次分明,结构严整,是我国古代建筑中别具风格的建筑形式。如 重叠交错的重檐四角亭、对立式的二台碑厦、砖木结构的三台大厅等,所有建筑物都配饰砖雕、木雕和彩画。
   Standing on the southern bank of the Yellow River and looking north, the iron bridge over the river, the architectural complexes in the Baitashan Park and the White Pagoda Temple are in perfect harmony with each other, which is praised as Looking Far over River and Bridge。
     Across the bridge, stand the architectural complexes on the first, second and third platforms。
   The upturned eaves and red columns set off each other in the thickness of green trees。   The existing buildings were rebuilt on the original site of the collapsed ruins in 1958, covering a total area of more than 8,000 square meters。
     The complexes connect the symmetrical stone steps, stone walls, pavilions, platforms and cloisters, creating a sense of proper order and elaborate layout。
     They features unique ancient architectural style of China, such as four-angle pavilions with overlapping and interlacing double-hipped eaves, oppositely standing steles, wood-brick halls,etc。
    , all decorated with brick carvings, wood carvings and color paintings。   三台建筑群的迎面是白塔主峰,山势陡峭,古代建筑有“风林香袅”牌坊、罗汉殿、三宫殿等。
   Facing the complexes is the main steep peak of the mountain, where lies the memorial archway inlaid with Incense Curl Upward In Wind-wood, the Hall of the Arhats, Three-palace Hall and so on。
       山顶的古建筑物有三星殿、迎旭客阁,凭栏远眺日出,放眼黄河,气象万千。 On the top of the mountain, stands the Three Star Palace and Greet Sunrise Pavilion, where you can overlook spectacular view of sunrise and the Yellow River    白塔寺原有“镇山三宝“:象皮鼓,青铜钟,紫荆树。
    象皮鼓传为一印度僧人云游白塔时所赠,现在这里仅有仿制品;青铜钟为清康熙年间铸造,重为 153。5公斤,现存寺内;枝繁叶貌的紫荆树系后人重载。北端山头有牡丹亭,亭内有一碑,据说原碑在湖南衡阳市北的趄嵝山上,字形怪异难辨,后人附会为大 禹治水时所刻。
  宋嘉定五年(公元1212年),何玫摹刻于岳麓书院。  兰州此碑,系清咸丰十一年(公元1861年),酒泉郡侯建功模立,碑高九尺,宽三尺, 上刻七十七字。 The White Pagoda Temple once housed the Three Treasures Blessing Mountain, the Elephant Skin Drum, the Bronze Bell, and the Redbud。
     Legend has it that the Elephant Skin Drum is donated by an Indian Monk when he paid a visit to the temple, but the existing one is an imitation。
     The Bronze Bell is preserved in the temple, which was casted during the reign of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty, weighing 153。
  5 kilogram。 The lush Redbud was planted by descendants, not the original one。   On the northern top of the mountain, the Peony Pavilion is erected。
   In the pavilion, there is a stele which is said that the authentic one is in the Julou Mountain north Hengyang City of Hunan Province。
     The characters on the stele is strange and difficult to read, thus people assumed that is was carved when Da Yu regulated flood。
   Actually the authentic one was carved by He Mei in Yuelu Academy during in the fifth year (1212 B。
    C。) of Jiading period in Song Dynasty。 And the one in the Lanzhou was erected as demonstration of achievements by administrator in Jiuquan in the eleventh year (1861 B。
    C。) of Xianfeng period。 The stele is 3 meter high and 1 meter wide, with 77 Chinese characters carved on it。
      白塔山西北方,林木葱郁,朝阳山、马头山、冠云山、环翠山峰峦层叠。  浓荫深处,有休息亭,供游人小憩。亭前有蓄水池。这里山高林密,是登山远眺,避暑纳凉的好地方。 In the northeast of White Pagoda, covered by luxuriant trees, Chaoyang Hill, Matou Hill, Guanyun Hill and Huancui Hill screens and complement each other。
     In the depth of thick shadow, pavilions are available for tourists to have a rest, in front of which is a pool。
   The lofty mountain and the verdant wood make it an ideal place to ascend to have a distant view, and a cool retreat to escape from heat。





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