A hungry wolf was wandering about in the morning in search of food. As he passed the door of cottage built in the forest, he heard a mother say to her child, “Be quiet, or I will throw you out of the window, and the wolf shall eat you.” The wolf sat all day waiting at the door.
In the evening he heard the same woman patting her child and saying, “You are quiet now, and if the wolf comes, we will kill him.” The wolf heard these words and went home .He was almost dying of cold and hunger.
When he reached his home, his wife
asked him why he returned so tired and hungry. He answered, “ Why ,I am such a fool that I believe in the words of a woman!”
A hungry wolf was wandering about in the morning in search of food。
As he passed the door of cottage built in the forest, he heard a mother say to her child, “Be quiet, or I will throw you out of the window, and the wolf shall eat you。 ”
A hungry wolf was wandering about in the morning in search of food。
As he passed the door of cottage built in the forest, he heard a mother say to her child, “Be quiet, or I will throw you out of the window, and the wolf shall eat you。
当它走过森林里的一栋小屋门前,他听到一位母亲在对她的孩子说:安静点,要不然我就把你们扔出窗子,让狼把你们吃掉。 ’
The wolf sat all day waiting at the door。
In the evening he heard the same woman patting her child and saying, “You are quiet now, and if the wolf comes, we will kill him。
” The wolf heard these words and went home 。He was almost dying of cold and hunger。
When he reached his home, his wife asked him why he returned so tired and hungry。
He answered, “ Why ,I am such a fool that I believe in the words of a woman!”