

小朋友你是否有很多问号Do you have a lot of question marks, little friend?

为什么天会亮Why does the sky become bright?

为什么地会转Why does the earth rotate?

为什么我会在这里Why am I here?

为什么会有眼泪Why do tears exist?

为什么会有痛Why does pain exist?

为什么我们要长大Why do we have to grow up?

为什么会有分别Why do we have to say goodbye?

为什么会有爱Why does love exist?

为什么会有梦Why do we have dreams?

为什么会有未来Why does the future exist?


小朋友你是否有很多问号Do you have a lot of question marks, little friend?

为什么会有回忆Why do we have memories?

为什么会有遗憾Why do we have regrets?

为什么会有悔恨Why do we have remorse?

为什么会有幸福Why does happiness exist?

为什么会有伤心Why does sadness exist?

为什么会有孤单Why do we feel lonely?

为什么会有陪伴Why do we have company?

为什么会有信仰Why does faith exist?

为什么会有勇气Why do we need courage?

为什么会有爱情Why does love exist?

为什么会有人生Why do we have life?


小朋友你是否有很多问号Do you have a lot of question marks, little friend?
