Die Another Day
Die another day
I'm going to wake up, yes and no。 / I'm going to kiss some part of [?]。 I'm going to keep this secret。 / I'm going to close my body now。 /●I guess [I'll] die another day。 ●(重复●●部分7遍)/Sigmund Freud, analyse this,analyse this,analyse this! / ...全部
Die Another Day
Die another day
I'm going to wake up, yes and no。 / I'm going to kiss some part of [?]。
I'm going to keep this secret。 / I'm going to close my body now。 /●I guess [I'll] die another day。
●(重复●●部分7遍)/Sigmund Freud, analyse this,analyse this,analyse this! / I'm going to break the cycle。
/ I'm going to shake up the system。 / I'm going to destroy my ego。 / I'm going to close my body now。
/ Unh-hunh。 / *I think I'll find another way。 / There's so much more to know。 / I guess I'll die another day。
/ It's not my time to go。/*For every sin, I'll have to pay。 / I've come to work, I've come to play。
/ I think I'll find another way。 / It's not my time to go。 / I'm going to avoid the clich?? / I'm going to suspend my senses。
/ I'm going to delay my pleasure。 / I'm going to close my body now。 / (重复●●部分与**部分,再重复●●部分)