我也是从CK到hallstatt,先从CK到LINZ,这是一家商旅车的价格。然后从LINZ到hallstatt30多欧 1 seat on the shuttle from Cesky Krumlov to Linz at 9 00 am。 The price is 450,- CZK / person, (19 EUR)。The price includes door to door service。The journey takes approx。 1,5 hours。
我也是从CK到hallstatt,先从CK到LINZ,这是一家商旅车的价格。然后从LINZ到hallstatt30多欧 1 seat on the shuttle from Cesky Krumlov to Linz at 9 00 am。
The price is 450,- CZK / person, (19 EUR)。The price includes door to door service。The journey takes approx。
1,5 hours。收起