英国个人旅游签证,我的复杂情况,请各位驴友帮忙支招!谢谢呀! 2013年5月我申请英国访友签证被拒,超级郁闷,想2014年4月份再次递交申请,但是总觉的希望渺小,请大家帮忙支招! 2013年6月10日领回了英国访友签证的拒签信,我郁闷了3,4天了。而且想不明白,自己材料问题出在哪里,拒签的理由是: 第一:签证官我不相信我和英国朋友是朋友关系,他试打电话给我朋友,结果我朋友电话刚好关机,超郁闷。、(我那英国朋友是英国本土老人十分虔诚的基督教教徒,他每年都会来中国我家一趟,我们是那种十分单纯的异国友谊!我怎么都没有想到会让签证官误解了) 第二:还有他说我的主要目的是访友,但我的行程单上面确体现不出来,我朋友家在曼城,我计划去3周,第一周和第三周呆曼城,第二周呆伦敦,这样怎么不合理了。 第三:我英国朋友是有说提供我在英国的住宿,但是他是说如果我有需要的话,但我自己的资金足够支付自己的旅行所有费用,我完全可以不需要朋友提供住宿呀,郁闷! 然后就给我扣上想在英国滞留的帽子。 下面附上我的拒签信。 今年,想改签个人旅游签证,不懂是否合适?今年的情况是这样的, 第一:我准备2013年4月中旬递交申请。这时候是我那英国朋友在中国旅行的时间段,他今年来中国的旅游时间是4月15日到5月7日,大概在中国呆3周。我递交了个人旅游申请,签证官一定会问起去年拒签的事情,如果签证官要电调,告诉他英国朋友目前在中国的电话号码,不懂是否合适?就这问题挺纠结的。就是我还要解释,如果你有任何问题请电话目前英国朋友在中国的号码,还有把英国朋友的护照签证和落地中国的印章复印了给他了。 第二:我申请前往英国的时间是2014年7月6日到2014年7月20日,两周的自助游,我很纠结我该如何解释今年为什么不前往看英国朋友,而是主要目的是自由行走英国,但该如何向签证官说明合适呢??说实话我去年如果搞什么访友签证,而是签个人旅游签证,就不会有这么多问题,哎,怎么办?
附上我的拒签信You state on you visa application form that the purpose of your visit to the UK is to visit your visa friend Barry Turner ,and in support of your application you have present a letter of invitation from your sponsor。 Attempts have been made by this office to cantact your sponsor;however th...全部
附上我的拒签信You state on you visa application form that the purpose of your visit to the UK is to visit your visa friend Barry Turner ,and in support of your application you have present a letter of invitation from your sponsor。
Attempts have been made by this office to cantact your sponsor;however this has not been possible on the phone number provided。
therefore it has not been possible to verify the information that you have presented。The letter of invitation from you sponsor have submitted is not satisfactory evidence of additional accommodation available to you。
You have presented hotel reservations for your proposed stay;however as you have stated that main reason for your visit is to your friend in the absence of satisfactory information I am not satisfied as to your intentions in travelling to the UK now。
On the details you have provided,I am not satisfied that your circumstances are unchanged or that you remain able to support and accommodate yourself to public funds ,or by taking employment during the period visit to the UK。
I am not satisfied that you are a genuine visitor intend to leave the UK on completion of your proposed visit in accordance with Paragraphs 41(i)and (ii)of the immigration Rules。