求教:从first徒步到bachalpsee后怎么回lauterbrunnen?,计划在少女峰地区待一天半: 1、第一天一大早从采尔马特开车去lauterbrunnen,应该上午10点左右到,入住宾馆后,买小火车票上少女峰,下午从少女峰坐车下到Grindelwald,再缆车到first,然后徒步到bachalpsee。再回lauterbrunnen住下。 问题是在bachalpsee怎么回lauterbrunnen?(不会又要上少女峰吧!)这条路线的时间上安排是否充足? 2、第二天一大早lauterbrunnen去米伦或brig西线转转,下午要开车赶去琉森。 请教上述安排是否合理?时间是否来得及?
Hiking: There are several hiking routes possible from First and from the Bachalpsee with picture postcard views。 Mentioned below are just a few of the endless walks on offer to you from Bachalpsee。 You can even walk from the First over to the Grosse Scheidegg and from there take a post bus eithe...全部
Hiking: There are several hiking routes possible from First and from the Bachalpsee with picture postcard views。
Mentioned below are just a few of the endless walks on offer to you from Bachalpsee。 You can even walk from the First over to the Grosse Scheidegg and from there take a post bus either back down to Grindelwald or down to Meiringen and stop off at Rosenlaui to visit the Aareschlucht on the way。
Please click here for a map of the area and here for the map of the whole region。 http://www。swissholidayco。