答: you are such a jerk/idiot/fool/sucker/asshole...
答: i love your fulish baby ,although i dont love...
答: 因为你觉得你笨呀!!!
答: 中文中“白痴”在英语中是Idiots 中文中“笨蛋”在英语中是Fool
答: Fool 笨蛋 ass, 笨人;idiot, 白痴;dumb, 愚笨的;dumbell...
答: 我QQ网名就叫笨蛋呢!
答: You are an idiot 相关例句: 1.You're a maverick an...
答: I love you Kaifu you are a big fool
答: Night is a big idiot. 请给好评谢谢
答: noodle,fool,idiot,ass,stupld fellow
答: 用英语应该是:A fool's heart in the sea这样写哦
答: 笨蛋有:noodle,fool,idiot,ass,stupld fellow. 希望对你...
答: foolish
答: The robot is a fool
答: 不是,英语可以学,而且不会英语不代表不会其他的,总是会有自己不擅长甚至不会的东西,不能因为...
答: “爱傻瓜的笨蛋” "Love fool, idiot"