I am sailing, I am sailing。 Home again 'cross the sea。
I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free。
I am flying, I am flying,Like a bird 'cross the sky。
I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free。
Can you hear me, can you hear me,
I am sailing, I am sailing。 Home again 'cross the sea。
I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free。
I am flying, I am flying,Like a bird 'cross the sky。
I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free。
Can you hear me, can you hear me,
thru' the dark night far away?
I am dying, forever crying, to be with you, who can say?
Can you hear me, can you hear me,
thru' the dark night far away?
I am dying, forever, crying to be with you; who can say?
We are sailing, we are sailing home again 'cross the sea。
We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free。
Oh lord, to be near you, to be free。
Oh lord, to be near you, to be free。
Oh lord, to be near you, to be free。
远航 远航 再次驶向故乡
穿越大海 搏击风浪
只为靠近你 靠近自由天地
飞翔 飞翔 鸟儿般凌空展翅翱翔
飞贯长空 凌驾白云
只为和你在一起 进入自由天地
你能否听见我的声音 黑夜中从遥远的地方响起 我永远在渴望 期盼 和你在一起
远航 我们在远航 再次驶向故乡
我要靠近你 靠近自由天地