My elder sister。
The trust is not each people have the elder sister, but my unusual misfortune, I have an attractive intelligent elder sister, to I also unusual care, unusual good, whenever I encounter any difficulty she always to meet the patience to help me。
信赖不是每个人有年长的姊妹 , 但是我的不寻常的不幸...全部
My elder sister。
The trust is not each people have the elder sister, but my unusual misfortune, I have an attractive intelligent elder sister, to I also unusual care, unusual good, whenever I encounter any difficulty she always to meet the patience to help me。
信赖不是每个人有年长的姊妹 , 但是我的不寻常的不幸,我有一个吸引人的聪明年长的姊妹, 对我也不寻常的照料, 不寻常的好, 每当我遇到任何的困难她总是遇见耐性帮助我。
Before I always quarrel with my elder sister, but after afterward we separated, again has not quarrelled, on the contrary I also unusual think my elder sister, this is the dear ones relations!
在我之前总是和我的年长姊妹吵架,但是然后之后我们分开,再一次没有吵架, 相反地我也不寻常的想我年长的姊妹,这是亲爱的一些关系!
My elder sister is very good!
She studies the specialty is a Japanese, but her English also unusual stick, I often can think, world which lucky fellow will have I attractive intelligent elder sister?
她学习专门是日本人, 但是她的英文也不寻常的根,我时常能想, 世界幸运的人将会有我吸引人的聪明年长的姊妹哪一?
Ha-ha, wants to know that my elder sister are more, please next time again look!
哈哈!, 想要知道我的年长姊妹是较多的,再一次请下次神情!